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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. if ya wanna see emotions get high, come out to Dan Ray Hooks stadium on Dec. 6th and watch WOS Junior Blue battle it out with WOS Junior White. I can guarantee you that the coaches and fans alike get into the games and this one should be a slobber knocker from beginning to end. I can also guarantee you that the games will be played with class and when the blue team wins, we will all shake the hands of the white team and tell them what a good game.
  2. "Fair enough, you can cheer for WOS Blue, since your team is at home. Enjoy!!!! But get ready to be dissapointed again." ; hey hey hey, if they root for us, they will be delighted by the outcome. Now don't make me come after you Big D! You may have to start calling me Big G and we can duel on the field after MY team beats YOUR team! ;D ;D ;D Poor Dan Ray is gonna be mad ... he said we could use his field only if the Stangs promised to win. Boy is he gonna be ticked off that you have to break that promise!!!!!
  3. okay, my hands are defrosted after that COLD COLD start today and I'm ready to start typing. GREAT game today. Hats off to BC for a wonderful game. Nothing to hang your heads about. Looking forward to Dec. 6th.
  4. "I also heard a lot of Vidor kids complaining about being cussed at, and I don't mean just by other players, WOS coaches and fans also." Stangs92; BigD; TD: What ya'll doing cursing at those kids? Mrs. TD: shame on you. Those young kids you teach must get an earfull. Mr. & Mrs. Bank President - shame on you too. I'm gonna tell your customers what bad, bad people you are. Oh, and let's not forget the fan (and I really don't know her name) who goes to every game, cheers for the kids, prays for those who get hurts (WOS kid or not) and is LOUD AND PROUD and just as sweet as can be -- shame on you for cursing out those kids. Give me break! that is all i have to say about that.
  5. The better team won! No ifs ands or buts!! We took the ball from u guys like 5 times and the ref always said you were down. The refs kept you all in the game. If not for the refs you guys get blown out by 35 or more. We had way more calls against us than u all did. U all had kids that dint even shake hands after the game. But do we moan and get upset about it? No. When we lost to PNG White it wasnt none of this stuff on the boards from us. AT ALL!! We lost and moved on. You talk like u guys handled us on the field and we could not move the ball. Is that what u saw? Really? Like I said good game. Because its obvious we weren't watching the same game. My friend, don't worry about it. The short time we stayed after our game all I saw was "fabric on the field" and you guys lost "A lot of real estate" because of the refs. Sorry we didn't stay longer, we had been at the field since around 7:30 and we were cold and hungry. Dog gone it, Dragon had to mention eating at Waffle House and all i could think about was Hashbrowns, scatterd, covered, chuncked, etc. etc. etc. ;D so I just had to go. See you guys on the field Dec. 6th. Any idea what time yet?
  6. ;D question is: Is the White Team ready for US?
  7. my dang hands are still frozen!!!! Can't wait to find out who won between Vidor and Junior White.
  8. aww thanks dragon - I'll make sure and buy you a hot chocolate tomorrow morning to defrost your hands. ;D
  9. "BC Little League charges parking fees come tourney time. By the way, can any kid from Orange play at BC? I was wondering why they had such a large program." I've never had to pay parking fees at the field. The only reason my kids can play in BC is because Orange/West Orange does not have a Little League set up. They had Twin County but that went under and left us with nothing. Memorial is not considered "Little League" and I want my kids playing for LL so they go to the closest one and that is in Bridge City. If Orange/West Orange ever organizes another Little League, then because of boundary rules, they (my kids) would have to play in that one and not Bridge City. BC is not doing anything illegal by accepting WO kids - they have the right to do so.
  10. "Queenbee, be sure and make up for it by bringing in some snacks and drinks in your purse. " ;D nope; only snacks and drinks i bring is for the kids after each game. i buy my drinks and eats from the concession stand. i do bring donuts or something for me in case my blood sugar bottoms out but i don't think i can stick nachos or sausage links in my purse!!! ;D
  11. WO Junior blue vs. BC 8:00 a.m.
  12. I'm not whining - thank you very much!! > I simply asked a question because when my son plays for BC Little Leauge Baseball and they are in the playoffs, we never had to pay to sit and watch the games. Yes, I said BC - I live in WO, participate in WO football, graduated WO, but my kids play BC baseball. I did not think about the fees associated with the playoffs. For those who know me, and the only one here that commented so far who does know me is Dragon, knows that I would pay a million dollars (if i had it ;D) to make sure that my son has a good time and a good experience in football. Thank you and have a nice day.
  13. Please, someone, tell me that what my husband told me last night after practice was wrong. Tell me that we, the parents and siblings of the players who in the playoffs, do NOT have to pay to watch our kids/ brothers play football!!!! Tell me that he misunderstood what was said. Tell me that tomorrow morning, when we arrive at the field in Nederland at 7 a.m. in the moring, in the cold, freezing weather, that there will NOT be someone out there with their hands open asking for admission money. somebody ... anybody ... please!
  14. i was serious. Of course, my idea of trash talking is probably not what a lot of people consider it. Trash talking to me is: "I'm gonna knock you to the ground" "You won't get passed me" "I'm gonna get you" "Better be scared of me" etc. It does not include calling names, cursing, or threats of severe bodily harm. As a matter of fact, just so those who play against my son's team (WOS Jr. Blue): they get into trouble by Coach Rod and personally, my son would get into trouble by me and his dad, if they tackle someone on the field and is rude about if afterwards. They are taught to be good sportsmanlike about the whole thing. To have someone who actually says that his/her child does not "fight" and yet their child is on a hard hitting football team (and I have yet to see a team that is NOT hard hitting), that just struck me wrong due to the fact that the kids do "fight" when they play football. How else do they come away from the games bruised up and sore all the time? Now, if you really want my opinion about this ADULT fighting: shame on each and every one of them. I don't care if they are from BC or Lumberton or WO or LCM or anywhere THAT WAS JUST PLAIN STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE! They all should be punished for their stupidity. Lifetime ban? I think that is harsh. But then again, I don't know exactly what was said to each other. When I was told by a person who WAS there that the people of BC was called Hurricane Trash, that ticked me off and my immediate response was to become angry .. and I don't even live in BC. At the same time, I cringed when I saw the video and all I saw was fist flying from the BC people. Again, Shame on everyone involved in this sad, sad situation.
  15. ok, i've tried to keep out of this discussion but i just read something that made me say to myself "yeah right!" I don't recall who posted it earlier, and it really does not matter but here is what has made me post a response: the person said he/she does not encourage fighting and/or trash talking Ummm, we are talking about FOOTBALL right? Football: the roughest sport (besides hockey) out there and full of trash talking. If you don't "allow" that kind of stuff, then why is your son playing football? Pushing, shoving, trash talking - that is all part of the game. Does this give the parents the right to fight? NO, not at all. Does it give someone the right to tell someone else that they are Ike trash? Absolutely not. Spit in someones face? Again, No. But please, don't get on this forum and act all high and mighty and act that your child is perfect and does not participate in any type of violence. He's playing football - it is a violent sport.
  16. According to my husband, and I'm not sure what he was meaning,but he said "the center was being covered" and you can't do that. Again, I'm unsure what he meant by that but you may understand that. He (and others) were saying that Kountze was playing "dirty ball" all game. Keep that in mind okay?
  17. Well txdragon one important rule allways take things week by week maybe you need to change this subject from WOS Blue to kountze division three champions and WOS runner up.. Well i guess you already know the out come of your game vs BC or maybe you dont .... ;D :P :-* :-* :-* :-* i know what the outcome will be: there will be a winner (hopefully us) and there will be a non winner (notice I did not say loser because there is no losers in this sport -- all of the teams are GREAT). BTW: We did not play Kountze -- we played the refs and the refs won. I consider your post to be a smart aleck one and I have had about enough of those kinds. If you did not mean it to be that way, then I apologize for jumping to conclusions. >
  18. awwww, yes, those LONG practices. I agree, the practices are being stepped up this week and the kids, from what I can see, are very, very fired up. None of them are ready to stop playing football this season. I've gotten some bad responses to my good natured comment about wishing good luck to everyone except BC. I just wanted to say that the comment was made in good faith and I am NOT, in any shape, form, or fashion a "hater" of any team. I admire each and every one of the players and coaches from BC AND even though I do live in WO, graduated from WO, etc. etc. etc. --- my two sons have played for Bridge City Little League baseball for several years. Numerous of my co workers live in Bridge City and I would NEVER, EVER wish any harm to the citizens of BC --- you all have been through enough these past few months. I most def. would not wish bad luck on the kids. Now, back to some good natured fun: The Stangs are gonna pluck the feathers from the birds this weekend .... that is if everyone doesn't freeze first. Lows should be in the 40's and with an 8:00 game --- brrrrrrrrr!
  19. Hey, hey, dragon: I second that emotion! ;D Good Luck to everyone except the BC team who plays the WOS Junior Blue!!! ;D I'll deal with the good wishes for the other teams later on!!!!
  20. well get under one of those screen names and read the rules.That is against the rules having multiple screen names.Thanks for being honest,I guess it runs in the family since your cousin don't lie..I now will be deleting your current screen name..once again we appreciate you and your cousins honesty..good bye! Thank you! Enough is enough. This is for the KIDS and NOT for the idiots who like to cause trouble! I get angry at games but not at the kids - I get frustrated with them. The adults need to remember who the role models are in this world and get over themselves. Why do some people like to take the "fun" out of everything?! Now .... let's get to having fun .... Good luck everyone who are in the playoffs. After the LONG practice we had last night, and I'm sure it will be equally long tonight ... WOS Junior Blue will be coming for YOU .. that is if mom here doesn't freeze her tush off before then. But then again, that may not be such a bad thing ;D
  21. I hope Lumberton White coaches act better than the Red team, because that was ridiculous what happened last saturday>>> Like I have already said: let's hope the games remain civil .. for the kids sake!
  22. I agree: good luck to everyone. Let's keep it civil and remember that we are dealing with kids. We all want to win but someone has to lose. (I just hope its not my son's team! )
  23. > i tell you what, we did not have our team in the game today. the attitude sucked of some of our players today and it did not help that we had to play the refs. I felt the offense on our team today played horrible and yes, I am including my own son in that as well. UGH, I am soooo disappointed in the way they played. Off to the carnival. Maybe a funnel cake can sweeten my disposition.
  24. TD: Rod called me and I specifically asked him where and he said the East Campus / Middle school. That is for the WOS Junior Blue. He said Eric texted him and said Middle school. Take it for what its worth okay?
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