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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. NOTICE:CORRECTION TO GAME LOCATION Rod called wos Junior Blue @ East Campus Field At 11 a.m.
  2. THANKS! I knew it was at 11 but was unsure about where this week. I was not able to make the practice on Monday (Gary, Sr. & Gary, Jr. were there though) so I was just as in the dark as everyone else about that.
  3. "Queen, is the game at Hooks or at the middle school?" I have a call in to Rod now. As soon as he lets me know, I will let you know. I can't call any of the other parents because I don't have my list of phone numbers anymore; Ike took care of that when it flooded out my office. Anyway, check back every now and again and I'll let you know. If you don't hear from me on here by tomorrow; I'll call you and let you know.
  4. funny you should say that. I was surfing the net and getting ideas from other peoples cakes and one of them WAS purple and white. It looked very nice; however, the blue and white one I saw was way better looking! and vice versa too! by that i mean when i graduated, it was raining. after a few days, i noticed my BLUE gown had turned PURPLE! Yes TD, I am just having fun with everyone. I look forward to the games and I wish everyone luck. If WOS Junior Blue wins, great. If WOS Junior White wins, great. Whoever wins will deserve it. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Here you go........[Hidden Content] WOS Junior Blue got no props this time!
  6. funny you should say that. I was surfing the net and getting ideas from other peoples cakes and one of them WAS purple and white. It looked very nice; however, the blue and white one I saw was way better looking!
  7. yes, it is supposed to be chilly and I personally look forward to that! Football, hot chocolate, and a win ... that is my kind of Saturday!
  8. can't wait! do you know how much? not that it really matters, I'm gonna buy one anyway but my lil mustang has a lot of family members who are equally proud of him and even better for the company, a lot the them live in California so they don't get to come to the games and have to rely on just pics and now, a video. I can let them know ahead of time and get the dough in hand for when we order.
  9. I have already designed the cake! I do bake and decorate cakes but have decided to let the pros take care of this special one. Yep, I just want to make sure that the blue on that Super Bowl cake is a very good blue. Will look good with these words piped in dark blue: WOS Junior Blue 2008 Super Bowl Champs! ;D surely the super bowl can't end in a tie huh? ???
  10. Sheffield Productions has been booked to tape both 1st round play-offs and the Superbowl at Bulldog Stadium. Just like last season; use of Bulldog's big screen video board has been approved and DVDs will be sold and made that day. Sheffield Productions experienced multi-camera crew and multi-view replay capabilities along with anouncers Charlie Jehlen and Danny Bellow will be on hand to do the honors. Last year's Superbowl was a fun experience for all and we are pleased that STJFL has asked us back. Good luck to all players still in the play-offs . . . "see ya at Jerry Mallory Field ( Bulldog stadium) ". ooooh yeah, I would love to have a video of the Junior Blues game(s); especially if they do make it to the SuperBowl. Please, let us know the answer to that
  11. I have already designed the cake! I do bake and decorate cakes but have decided to let the pros take care of this special one. Yep, I just want to make sure that the blue on that Super Bowl cake is a very good blue. Will look good with these words piped in dark blue: WOS Junior Blue 2008 Super Bowl Champs! ;D
  12. oh my goodness, you are just too much!
  13. The six that look to be in are WO-S White,WOS BLUE,PNG WHITE,LUMBERTON WHITE,LUMBERTON BLUE, and KOUNTZE. I dont know the last two i know you are tired of hearing this, but I think that one of the weaknesses of the Junior Blue is the fact that we have so many kids who have never played before. Yes, they have done great up until now; but everyone knows that the closer the "big games" come up, the pressure is building and some of the kids MAY struggle with that pressure. On the other hand, I know that the kids who have gone through the pressure already, as well as some of the newbies, are standing strong and are not letting any amount of stress get to them. I can say with 100% certainty that the next few weeks will be one experience that my son will never forget - win or lose - memories have been made that will last a lifetime. I was just looking at the STJFL website and Kountze seems to be a tough test for WO-S Blue. we face them in our final regular season game this saturday at 11:00. guess we will see then how we compete against each other
  14. The six that look to be in are WO-S White,WOS BLUE,PNG WHITE,LUMBERTON WHITE,LUMBERTON BLUE, and KOUNTZE. I dont know the last two i know you are tired of hearing this, but I think that one of the weaknesses of the Junior Blue is the fact that we have so many kids who have never played before. Yes, they have done great up until now; but everyone knows that the closer the "big games" come up, the pressure is building and some of the kids MAY struggle with that pressure. On the other hand, I know that the kids who have gone through the pressure already, as well as some of the newbies, are standing strong and are not letting any amount of stress get to them. I can say with 100% certainty that the next few weeks will be one experience that my son will never forget - win or lose - memories have been made that will last a lifetime.
  15. Thanks we got some great kids and fantastic coaches, yall played a great physical game, our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick. Im very proud of these kids they practice very hard they got a taste for ints and causing fumbles and theyve worked hard on it 1 more game and were 7-0 Whats the deal NewIndian? First you praise them for their fantastic coaches and great kids and the great physical game. Then you back door it with"our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick". Could have left that off dude Me and pirate fan had a conversation that was off the board so thats explained and that said he knows that our starters were sitting as per the rules, and BTW i praised our coaches and kids omly got to meet some of Vidors kids as they were cousins with some of our kids This is for queen what are WE gonna be when WE win excited ;D ;D ;D I see my EXCITED slogan is catching on. I tell ya what all of ya are welcome to come to the Mustang Junior White end of the season SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP PARTY. One of the other teams will be EXCITED to play us,but we will be EXCITED because of our BIG lopsided victory!!!!! ;D ;D ;D Ha ha - It's on now my friend! When the Mustang Junior Blue wins the Super Bowl, you are more then welcome to come celebrate with US and I can guarantee you one thing, not only will we be EXCITED for the win, but you will enjoy the party and be EXCITED and full once you get through enjoying the goods that we will have!!!!! I promise if thats how it ends up The White team will party right along with you guys!!! I honestly don't know why we can't have one big party anyway - Superbowl winners or not! I'm trying to wreck my brains trying to figure out where the team can have a party and I'm coming up empty. Where are they normally held? Some insite here please, this is the first time i'm a team mom for a football team.
  16. Thanks we got some great kids and fantastic coaches, yall played a great physical game, our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick. Im very proud of these kids they practice very hard they got a taste for ints and causing fumbles and theyve worked hard on it 1 more game and were 7-0 Whats the deal NewIndian? First you praise them for their fantastic coaches and great kids and the great physical game. Then you back door it with"our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick". Could have left that off dude Me and pirate fan had a conversation that was off the board so thats explained and that said he knows that our starters were sitting as per the rules, and BTW i praised our coaches and kids omly got to meet some of Vidors kids as they were cousins with some of our kids This is for queen what are WE gonna be when WE win excited ;D ;D ;D I see my EXCITED slogan is catching on. I tell ya what all of ya are welcome to come to the Mustang Junior White end of the season SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP PARTY. One of the other teams will be EXCITED to play us,but we will be EXCITED because of our BIG lopsided victory!!!!! ;D ;D ;D Ha ha - It's on now my friend! When the Mustang Junior Blue wins the Super Bowl, you are more then welcome to come celebrate with US and I can guarantee you one thing, not only will we be EXCITED for the win, but you will enjoy the party and be EXCITED and full once you get through enjoying the goods that we will have!!!!!
  17. Thanks we got some great kids and fantastic coaches, yall played a great physical game, our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick. Im very proud of these kids they practice very hard they got a taste for ints and causing fumbles and theyve worked hard on it 1 more game and were 7-0 Whats the deal NewIndian? First you praise them for their fantastic coaches and great kids and the great physical game. Then you back door it with"our starters were complaining about sitting after we got up so quick". Could have left that off dude Me and pirate fan had a conversation that was off the board so thats explained and that said he knows that our starters were sitting as per the rules, and BTW i praised our coaches and kids omly got to meet some of Vidors kids as they were cousins with some of our kids This is for queen what are WE gonna be when WE win excited ;D ;D ;D
  18. I wouldnt get too excited...png purple has only scored three td's all year. very young team.... out of 17 kids on the team 15 are returners to this team next year...all but 3 has never played tackle football before...so 54-0 on this team learning is not a real big deal. Do it next year with this lil team returning 15 kids...then get excited. Would you not get excited if the score was reversed? A parent from PNG Purple came up to the head coach of the Junior White team and commended him on how disciplined his team was,and thought how wonderful a job he was doing to have those boys so sound and effective on both sides of the ball. He seemed truly amazed at how good they played. I think thats a testament to how all the coaches on that staff( DAVE,JOSH,FRUITY,KENT,MAVIS DIME,SNATCHER JR, BROUSSARD, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST MRS. LINDA & KOOL-AIDS GRANDMA)Out of that list our kids get great coaching,some good role models,and some electrifying prayers and cheers on gameday. Thats what we do here 19cherokee90. We get EXCITED. When we win big we get EXCITED,when we win close ones we get EXCITED,and if by some crazy chance ya beat us......We get EXCITED at the chance we may get to play u again.And this year after the Super Bowl guess what we will be........? You guessed it EXCITED!! Its really kinda fun 19Cherokee90 I wish u had something to get EXCITED about!!!! Preach it! and when Junior Blue wins the SuperBowl guess what we will be......? You guessed it .. EXCITED!
  19. ha ha ha; yeah right!!!! some dude from Beaumont; can't remember the name though
  20. Rod, Eric, Quinton, Rickey, Gary, Coach Ivory, EVERYONE You guys are awesome. There has been a lot of negative things said here on this forum and elsewhere about how things are ran and how games are played, but I tell you one thing, anyone who can take my kid, who has never played football before, who struggles everyday in school because of a learning disability and make him 100% excited about playing and wanting to make sure he succeeds in class so he can play ... well, you all deserve a huge hug and a pat on the back. Eric, today, when you allowed Gary to play that one play on defense meant so much to him. He was on the bottom of that pile and loved it! He loves offense but wanted to try defense one time and believe me when i say he wants to do it again! ha ha Sports is in his blood naturally. My dad played for the Stark High Tigers and we grew up at Friday night games and Sunday's in front of the TV with the Cowboys. Gary, Sr. played all sports in high school (Go Vacaville High School Bulldogs --- California school) including ... FOOTBALL!! Both of our sons have the sports bug in the blood but Gary, Jr. has always, always, wanted to play football. I couldn't be more happy with his coaches this year. Playing for you guys make him happy and therefore, I am happy. Rod - you need to know that you are my oldest sons local hero! He is my baseball player and he respects you and your knowledge of that game. Gary is impressed with my stories of your football years and our high school days. Thank you one and all!!!! I just had to say that. Thank you for listening.
  21. Just for the record:i noticed that and thought it SUCKED! oooppps,can I say that word? :
  22. my "baby" is a newbie as an offensive tackle but he sure has learned to throw his opponents out of the way would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it to be White vs Blue and yes, I want the Blue to win. Now, I said it! Blue, Blue, Blue all the way! ;D
  23. parade was fun. wish there had been more lights on the streets so that we on the sidelines could have seen better but that is nothing that anyone but the City could have done anything about. Also, I was irritated with the cars still being allowed to pass while the parade was going on. That was really dangerous because there were kids running into the road trying to get to the candy. Plus, once the cars could go no further .... they just stopped on the road .... blocking the view of the people trying to enjoy the parade. anyway, i did not stay for the entire community pep rally. i pulled a muscle in my back yesterday and was in some major pain sitting in the stands so i gathered up my lil mustang and came home to my heating pad :-\ how was the rest of the pep rally? i really wanted to see the WOS get lit up. I bet that was awesome. Hope to see a lot of fans out at the Dan Hooks stadium on Saturday to support ALL of our Lil Mustangs. I'll be out there for our game at 12:30.
  24. Yep, may I suggest that you double up on your practice in order to be ready for us? Seriously, we (Junior Blue) have several kids who are 1st time players this year, my own included, and I have to say that each week, they are getting better and better. We are a team to be weary of and I'm proud of each of them. Naw we only been practicing 1 hr a day,but trying out alot of new plays, we are also getting better each week and have alot of kids coming into their own now when we need them too, some are pleasant surprises all in good fun! good luck to you and yours. seriously
  25. I'm told no later then 5:15 at the field between the Junior High & the church on Western Ave. You remember where we would go outside to have PE? not the track but the field? there.
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