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Everything posted by queenb77630

  1. WOS ----26 Nederland - Black ---- 0
  2. [quote name="Gusher" post="891802" timestamp="1288462330"] All this bellyaching has caused me to loose my appetite… But If I get hungry later I will visit the concession stand or just bum a diet mountain dew and ham and cheese sandwich from one of the other “youth league supporters”.  ;) [/quote] ;D just ask and I will share with ya!
  3. GetSome: EXACTLY!  Some people cannot stomach the concession stand food.  I would rather bring in my own ham/cheese sandwich and know that I won't have to pop some Prilosec later in the afternoon because I chose to eat a link that agitated my acid reflux. Like you said, some parents are out there for HOURS!  I can't leave either and I'm not a coach; just a parent.  I'm sorry if my not buying the food irritates some; but if I am buying for ME, 9 out of 10 times, I will not buy from the stands.  If my kids want something, that is different. PLUS, its happened more then once that I was unable to get diet drinks at the stand so therefore; i no longer take that chance..... I bring my own. Now, its time for me to go shop for my snacks for todays playoff game. Bye!
  4. :o GetSome ; that was funny if not kinda gross! :o Okay, I will give up on trying to convince you to be a member of my court and agree with me!  ;D I have plenty of pics of my son playing.  Guess when it comes down to it, it is up to the parents to give props to their own kids! See you at the game (I guess).
  5. [quote name="GetSome" post="890479" timestamp="1288392402"] Respectfully, Queenb, no they do not deserve the same media attention as the High School Varsity teams do.  Could the media throw them a bone, like covering the STJFL Superbowl results? Sure.  With your line of thinking, every game of marbles or hopscotch would end up on the 6 o'clock news.  My son has played in the STJFL for three years and I am lucky enough to coach him.  He will have his chance for the Friday Night Lights.  Until then, his family gives him all the recognition he needs and deserves... [/quote] my son has played for STJFL for 3 years also.  I have to disagree with you.  Of course, it is just my opinion, that during the playoffs, especially the superbowl, the kids do deserve to be recognized by the media.  They practice hard and play even harder.  If you know me, then you also know that my husband and I 100% support our son.  Do you know me?  Seems like everyone knows me.
  6. The weather should be GREAT for some awesome football!  I wish EVERYONE luck this weekend.  If your team didn't make it; don't let that stop you from coming out to cheer on the ones that did.  Let's all agree that no one wants any of these kids to get hurt and NO FIGHTING among the players, coaches, and/or parents.  If you see me (we play at 1:00) come say Hi!  I have "talked" to so many people on this board but have not had the chance to meet them all.  I'm hoping my 6 month old grandson will be with me so if he is, you will see me but not hear me  :-X  If he doesn't come with me to root his Uncle Gary on, then you might want to wear ear plugs cause yes, I will be yelling "Let's go Beach!" and of course for the entire team!  ;D ;) Oh, and off topic here: Way to Go SF Giants!  All the Way!!!!
  7. [quote name="In Limbo" post="887141" timestamp="1288028374"] You can rest assured that if something bad happens in one of the leagues the media will be all over it.  All they want is a story that makes someone look bad, they rarely have good positive media about our kids.  We the STJFL have asked for just a 5 to 10 second spot to say something about the local teams in the play-offs and at the championship.  Bottom line, it is not news unless it is negative. [/quote] These youth practice their hearts out and play even harder.  They deserve recognition just as much as the High School kids do; especially for those teams that make it to the playoffs. They are, afterall, the very ones that will be seen in a few years on the playing field on Friday Nights.  Given them some love news media; they deserve it!
  8. when our team showed up to play against Lumberton Black; there was a child on the field.  I heard parents saying they should call the ambulance.  shortly thereafter, the game started; soon after that I hear an ambulance.  Was this for him?  Please, someone, tell me that child is okay.  Please!!!!
  9. how much is the admission this year?
  10. I do bring snacks with me to the games; BUT I also buy from the concession stands.  Why? Because I can't handle the spicy food that is more then often offered at the concession stands (links; chili; nachos because the cheese sauce always taste spicy to me).  I have had trouble at some concession stands in buying Diet drinks.  I tend to bring my own chips "just in case" I need it.  I do normally buy concession food for my kids though; I bring snacks for myself. Sometimes the concession stands run out of food.   As I mentioned above, sometimes the stands do not offer what some people can eat. More then likely, people just are stingy and don't want to spend the $4 for nachos when it only costs about $1 to fix them.  
  11. wos - 39 nederland black - 0
  12. to all the teams playing.  I hope that no one gets hurt and please, NO FIGHTING!!!!! Hopefully, the small chance of rain won't affect any of the games.  Come back and post scores when you get them. Have a good day!!
  13. [quote name="mikelbene" post="880495" timestamp="1287496253"] "let's go [b]Beach[/b]" Oh.  That's not what I thought you were yelling..... [/quote] ha ha ha; my son had a teacher a few years ago and the first time he (the teacher) said "book work - 6 weeks Beach" my son thought he had just been called a ... well, you know ... and asked the teacher "what did you just call me?" :o.  I ran into the teacher at walmart about a month ago, he still laughs about that.  I promise you ... I don't call anyone a ... well, you know!  ;D
  14. I 100% think that this year, no one can really comfortably predict anything.  There have been predictions that one team would lose but wins.  Those predicted to win lose.  It's up in the air at this point.  If you ask me, the uncertainty right now just adds excitement to the upcoming games.  I would like for WOS to win but am I predicting it?  No!  Just a mom wanting her son to get one more trophy for being a Super Bowl winner before he moves on to Jr. High Ball. I wish everyone luck in the upcoming games.  I hope that no one gets hurts. My well wishes even go to the ones that are mean to me or as I found out last night, who accuse me of taunting their team because I sit in the stands and yell "go stangs, you can do it" or "let's go Beach".  I guess the "prove to them that you are NOT over rated and you DO have good coaches" was considered rude.  ??? Nederland ... see you on the field this Saturday.  Good luck!  Come introduce yourself if you see me.  It's up in the air as to if I will be able to make it though.  If I am not there, I will be in Orangefield for Round 1 so again, I ask that you introduce yourself.
  15. [color=blue][/color][size=12pt][/size] To all that predicted that Vidor would win against WOS -- sorry to disappoint you but WOS won 13 - 7!!!! It was a game to end and I for one LOVED it!  That was a GAME!!  Glad we won but yeah, let me give props to the Vidor team.  Good job!!!
  16. [color=blue][size=16pt]WOS - [/size][/color]13 [color=goldenrod][size=16pt]Vidor - [/size][/color]7
  17. [quote name="mikelbene" post="873929" timestamp="1286991717"] Um.... how can I say this without ruffling any feathers.... WOS got exposed by Lumberton last weekend.   If anyone can help me find a way to state that fact in a manner that won't offend anyone from WOS, I'd appreciate it.   [/quote] ;) Hey Mikelbene; could you by chance be referring to me?  Don't worry about it; I don't have feathers .. just a crown .. and your comment didn't make it go askew .. its still on straight!  ;D
  18. Gary, Jr. and I watched his DVD from last year again just last night.  My heart swelled with pride just like it did the first time I saw him introduce himself. Videoguy: think you will be able to do that again?  I mean let the players introduce themselves?  That was so classy.
  19. [quote name="Gusher" post="872977" timestamp="1286891610"] Back to the video... I have not seen one of your productions (youth league) but if they are anything like some of the other productions ya'll have put together it will be a great keepsake. [/quote] Gusher - I would not trade my videos for anything.  Not only are they good to have so you can go back and watch when your kids are older; but they quality really is worth every penny.  The commentary is almost non stop and last year, the kids were able to introduce themselves before the game and that was 100% awesome.  I highly recommend buying one.  I have not been disappointed in the ones that I have.  Been buying since my son started football 2 years ago and will buy again this year!
  20. I was wondering if you guys were going to be involved again this year.  So glad you are! For those who have not seen the quality of the product Video Guy puts out: take it from me, I wouldn't spend my hard earned money unless it was top notch!  I have bought videos every year my son has played and will continue doing so. Video Guy: have you come up with a price yet for this year?
  21. Was that Coach Mike who came up to our kids and talked to them on the field?  Dang, if I had known it I would have introduced myself!  and ummm, my son was one of the players that WOS chose to "trot out their biggest boys as captains to get a jump on intimidation".  That kid is 11 years old and taller then I am!!!! Next time, tell Coach Mike, and anyone else who is on this board, to introduce himself/herself to me.  I'm harmless -- really!!!  ::)
  22. [quote name="100%Football" post="871948" timestamp="1286771301"] WOW, What happened to the undefeted WOS, looks like Lumberton Blue took them out! What about them Lumberton Blue Raiders, Coach Mike must have been right. [/quote] Everyone has an off week.  I do want to say one good thing: I don't know who the older coach is for Lumberton; I assume it was the head coach; but as I was treking across the field with seats, baby supplies, and basically had my hands full, I passed by our kids in the middle of the field and heard the gentleman talking to our kids and commenting on what a good game they played.  I thought that was 100% classy and if you are on here reading this: THANK YOU.  If he isn't on here, and someone is here who knows who I am talking about, please let him know that as a parent, I appreciate his words. Was busy during the game due to my 5 month old grandson was there too to support his Uncle Gary.  I was trying to "be calm" so as to  not upset him.  I watched some of the game; passed out cold drinks to the players at other times; took pictures both on and off the field; and yes, the weather was NICE!  Mosquitos started kinda bugging me as the sun was setting but all in all, win or lose, my Mustangs are still #1 in my book.  We'll come back and win again; you can count on it! BTW: I always have people coming up to me during the games to introduce themselves.  Please don't hesitate to do so if you see me.  I really am just a mom who loves the sport and the kids that play; mine or yours, they are still just kids and I love them all. Bye!
  23. I am G-L-A-D no one can miss me in the stands cause I am there to cheer on my son and his teammates; not sit and gossip and plan my next tannng session or nail appointment!  See you at the game!! ;D
  24. Wow, actual compliments about the WOS teams and coaches. I just had someone on another thread tell me that we were overated and our coaches leave a lot to desire! ;D
  25. P.S. Raiderboy: you can thank me personally right here, right now, for telling the gentleman from your side that I would take care of picking up the trash along our side.  How many parents of the opposing team would offer to do that?  See, even though I saw the pushing, facemasking, grabbing my kids throat under the helmet, I still cleaned the field up.  THAT is called showing good attitude wouldn't you say?
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