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Everything posted by Honest_Oiler

  1. This didn’t age well 😂... also you Must not have been around in the early 2010’s. I’ll give y’all baseball. WH never succeeded there.
  2. Did evadale have their starters?
  3. a LONG time ago WH had some good athletes lol
  4. Like someone else said. Marts 8th grade team would’ve put up 40 no problem. WH hasn’t had football players in a long time. A long long time. We turned the youth into pacified, entitled kids. I’d much rather take my butt kicking than play against their worst players and them run the clock out. Which even then they scored.
  5. Sorry for my last reply, forgot it’s 2019 and we have to cater to the players feelings and make sure everyone gets a trophy 😂
  6. Why? Lol I hate this mentality. Even if they put their worst players in they more than likely score. What do you want them to? Kneel every play to run clock? That’s more embarrassing.
  7. Could’ve had all starters playing best game of their lives. WH maybe stops one touchdown more than they did.
  8. You may be right. MAYBE wouldve been 75-14
  9. 55-14 with 3 left in 2nd 😂
  10. This is the WH we all know and expect to see. No size on WH in YEARS and decently sized opponent backs leads to big losses.
  11. I thought they would too... like I said, this whole thread didn’t age well.
  12. I stand corrected. This whole thread didn’t age well 😂😂. WH 38 - HD 12 Nice job 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  13. Literally no toss up about it. WH hasn't had a good team in years. 49-6, HD wins. WH starts playing trashy after getting down on the scoreboard.
  14. Probably won’t be much of a game based on yalls performance this week 😂 Early prediction: HD: 47 WH: 6
  15. Reason I asked where the play took place is that if they were in the "Tackle Box" or if it was the QB in the pocket, the horse collar rule doesn't apply.
  16. They aren't in West Hardin's district anymore then right? If you're saying toughest lol
  17. Where was the play at? Did the runners knee's buckle? Too many people are quick to call out horse collar.
  18. WH wins 20-6. Assuming based off previous years where WH wins a game and thinks state is a possibility, WH probably already has their "Headed to state" shirts being printed.
  19. been out for a bit, just checking to see what's going on with playoffs.
  20. If he’s the same one that’s been there for years, I agree. People don’t understand the value of a coach and how not having one makes a huge difference.
  21. but “people are sleeping on WH” and “WH is eating” LOL Coach was the only reason they won anything
  22. I disagree (which is fine, just an opinion), but WH blew Spurger out by 40+ every game, returning players for both teams, except WH coach went to Spurger. Spurger was untouchable. I’m not saying this is the case for every single team, just the above instance and I fully believe this team as well for sure. This isn’t a super talented team.
  23. If the shooter is off and they do not adjust to feed the big man (who Evadale can't stop). They lose again.
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