Im a Barbers Hill fan Barbers hills defensive line summurizes with some really quick and strong guys Don Price moved Jake Ponder From offensive line to Defencive line to see how it worked out thats the last i heard of that . but as far as a i know bh d-line looks pretty good with stepon wright and james bellard at linebacker James bellard was a freshman playing varsity and started his second varsity game . hes now a sophmore and stephon wright is a senior this year there line looks like right side about 230 LBS. nose guard Maybe 200 . Left side idk thts were jake ponder was gonna play who nows he might if thats the case your looking at about 300 lbs of pure muscle and or eric comeaux which is about 235 lbs there all pretty stout and can move . offensive looks great with carmona and back up quarter back jacob bowling both seniors Nick perez will not be playing this year from what ive heard around the hill if i have to say the score with PN-G and Barbers Hill its gonna be a really close one probably over time if i have to say wont be a real high scoring game maybe BH-35 PN-G 28 wont be to bad but hey its just a prediction . Thats mine
PN-G- 28
possible overtime