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Everything posted by TheBigSwitch

  1. Brubaker, I just stated that it was not anything that he said. You need to read what has been said, my comment was never directed at land*shark, like I just stated. Why don't you get a grip and stick to commenting on things that you know something about. My comment was directed at all of the people who were griping about the weights.
  2. New Indian, The West Beaumont Bulldogs are in now. I am pretty sure the season is not going to be any longer than normal. I am not sure I understand how anyone will have a weaker schedule by letting Beaumont in. Also in case you don't know Woodville opted out for a new league closer to them this year. land*shark, It was not anything you said. But your right I read the entire post and I just don't understand why people don't understand the we as volunteers spend countless hours for FREE, trying to put the best league forward for their kid to play in. By best I don't mean best for their kid, but best for the entire league which includes about 1000-1200 kids. A little less complaining and a little more understanding of what it is that we do for their kid to have a place to play would be nice.
  3. What reputation are you talking about, I wasn't aware that we had a reprutation. I and why are you so offended by my comment, everyone on here is putting negative comments about the way the STJFL has its weights set up. I simply stated that if you did not like it why play, I really don't see anything negative about that. If you really new me, you would know that I stand on good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and intergrity. I know what the by-laws say because I wrote most of them. My comment was not ment to be negative, I was just giving people there options, sorry if you took it the wrong way. Also I did not ask you not to discuss it, just to accept them and play or don't.
  4. No I just don't like to beat around the bush. No one is forced to play, so if you don't like the rules don't play. It is really quite simple. If you are going to play then accept the rules for what they are and don't gripe about them.
  5. The by-laws are being updated and will be presented at the May meeting, but here is a snap shot. Sr Tackle LO weight is now 160 Jr Tackle RB weight is now 105 and LO is 106-125 Increased Older lighter to 125 (crazy in my opinion) The motion to change PeeWee 130 failed to pass I hope this helps.
  6. The weight limits have changed for the upcoming season. I have one question, out of all of the people who seem to know so much about how the league should be ran, how many of you have ever been to a STJFL meeting. I would be willing to bet not many of you have. Maybe you should go. I can assure you that everything you are talking about has already been discussed as some point in time. Do we always get it exactly right? No, but we do our best and I think we have a pretty good league to show for it. For all of you people who don't seem to like what we have put out there for you to participate in, you do have another option. Just QUIT if you don't like it, I promise the league will go on without you and probably smother. ;D ;D
  7. Trey ran a 10.52 Gabe you know aggie can't give WOS any credit. He does not like WOS remeber.
  8. Aggie, Don't you think that WOS is having a great track meet so far
  9. I know but they won't be
  10. It's my understanding that Trey's 100 time of 10.2 at the YMBL was a hand held time, wind aided. I am not real sure on the hand held time but know for a fact it was wind aided. Still, that's very fast!! if you add on the required amount for hand timing.. he still has one of the top 2 or 3 times in the state. I can't wait to see him run next week. Bronco relays uses FAT as well. Well you will have to come see him at Silsbee, because I am pretty sure that the Mustang Herd will not be thundering in to town for the Bronco Relays.
  11. I am not going to say that they would be a top ten team year in and out, but I truly believe they (those schools you mentioned) would much more successful programs than what they are right know. Some people are just born to coach and will be successful anywhere they go. Sure they will have more success in one place than the other but they will be successful. Don't underestimate the amount of work the WOS staff puts in. Also I would put their stats up against anyone in the state 1A - 5A for the last 25 years. I bet if you do that you will find many schools that have much more talent then WOS, but lack the stats due to coaching. Give credit where credit is due they simply have one of the best programs in the state. The icing on the cake is that they have good athletes also, but the program comes first.
  12. ECBucFan, With your theory in place, why is it that Ozen, Central, Westbrook, Memorial and the list goes on and on are not top ten programs year in and year out. Simple, coaching and the program they run. These schools all have the same student body make up, but only one is a top ten program year in and year out. Don't get me wrong WOS does have some athletes, but so do the schools i have mentioned. So it takes more than athletes.
  13. I can assure you with 100% accuracy that coach Crouch ran the offense and called the plays, and was still the OC until he left for LC-M.
  14. Your reliable source wasn't so reliable. He was the OC!
  15. TD, I can assure that I will be around next season and the next, you can take that to the bank. I will be sporting those blue and silver clothes, you can count on that!!!
  16. I would take that bet also. 8) 8)
  17. Easy there TD, I have first dubs on Crouch's Blue and Silver.
  18. Who will be the front runner for that job?
  19. He is alking about Stewart. Not the guy in my opinion!!
  20. Aggie, nobody takes you seriously, you have got to be the biggest WOS hater I have ever seen. You and Barclay are probably buddies! :D
  21. Some of our kids in Silsbee actually live more than 10 miles from the school(Caney Head), they manage. All of the small towns represented on this site are the same.... their districts encompass a large geographical area. WOS was very fortunate to have the buses as long as they have. I always see the kids with cars on the sports teams in dayton full of teammates after practices. The kids and parents will find a way. Just like the low-income families, families with parents out of work, etc. find a way to survive. Really this could not have come at a worse time. You say that all of the small towns are the same, well other that Bridge City which is not a school at all like WOS, how many of those just had hurricane Ike wipe out a large portion of the housing that these kids and parents were living in. Also how many cars do you think were completely flooded during the storm? I can tell you because I was one of the rescue workers in a boat pulling people from their flooded house. Every car that was in that area of town was lost, I am guessing 1000 cars are more. How many of those families do you think had full coverage insurance on their car. My guess is none. So most of these people have no car at this time, and can't afford to replace it. So not all of these small towns are the same as you say they are. Maybe you could make the argument before Ike that the parents should get involved, still not a great one, but now after Ike that argument just does not work, because many of the families really do not have a way to get there kids. They are totally dependant on the buses. And by the way Diamond J, hitchhiking is illegal, they might get arrested.
  22. This is hilarious, all this talk about PN-G not releasing names, and now we have a couple of posters that have the name of this coach that they think PN-G is trying to hire but the never mention his name. Come on release his name to the public. That's what y'all are bashing PN-G for and now your not releasing this guys name. ??? ???
  23. First, Your right it is a public forum, please just don't put words into my post, you can attack me all you want as long as you stick to what I said. ;D Second, You can't lump everyone in to one catagory, that is called profiling. ??? ??? Third, I was just guessing as was aggie, did not mean to stir you up. I never said you were a hater. Besides you all ready put me in the bucket in your post regarding this issue. :o Finally, I never said anything about your post, so why are you getting so defensive? Us losing could happen, but not likely! ;)
  24. hippy, Nowhere in my post will you find the word everybody, I was talking to one person, Aggie. If you go through all of the topics on here dealing with WOS you will find that he never has anything positive to say about WOS. As a matter of fact he started a post just to stir up WOS. Please don't put words into my post, I did not state that everyone was a hater as you have said. But your reaction to a post that was not directed to you leaves little doubt as to where you stand. If it does not concern you ignore it. It was not directed to you, so what is your problem. You stated "So, using the logic of "thebigswitch" and "speveto" who states everyone who wants the buses gone are haters" Please tell me where in my post is says that.
  25. See Aggie you don't really know, so you just take a guess, an uneducated on at that and put out false information. The buses are for any after school event. If the sponsor or coach of the club, sport or what ever it is calls the bus barn and arranges a bus it was provided. They even run a bus for the kids in after school detention, I might add they are still doing this. So aggie before you go guessing as to what is going on please get you facts straight. Like I said earlier in this post, just because you are from silsbee don't hate on WOS. I know you are hoping that they will lose some kids and that will give you an edge in the coming years. But as someone stated in all of your post, you are always negative to WOS. Just quit Hating man, they are just kids.
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