[quote name="bobcat4life" post="1206712" timestamp="1333633618"] Also, I received a text this morning from someone that was reading, and asking what is going on. Let's be clear, I don't really dislike anyone, and am not saying what I am saying based on anything but what I feel is best for all of the kids in OF. I don't care if it is Huck, or whoever. I will be totally supportive of an AD, Coach, teacher, volunteer in the community or whatever as long as they are supportive of all of the kids. I don't have an ax to grind with anyone. My main motivation for posting on here is to support friends that I have known for literally 40 years. They are the ones doing their thankless job for zero pay, it is because they have a vested interest in the community, and their loyalty doesn't lie with a paycheck or some personal glory. One of the board members graduated from HS with me. I would challenge anyone to show me a person with a kinder heart than she has. It is amazing to me that everyone jumps on a bandwagon to support a teacher or coach, and yet won't do the same thing with a board member. [/quote] I like you more and more every day…..Thanks for clearing all of that up for me….I know you only want what is best for all the kids – just as I do…..Was just having a hard time following you and solo…..Like I told you earlier, I am in the dark here and probably better off…..That board member you mentioned, I’d support her any day, she is about all the kids…..