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88Warrior last won the day on June 2 2021

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  1. You’re thinking with your heart not your brain. Lots of ball left to be played.
  2. I’ve been a skeptic of his but will give the man his due on a very good season!👍🏻
  3. Not arguing with you at all as I said I have no knowledge of the current circumstances in GCCISD just going off your earlier comments about bonds not passing and Sterling being in sad shape with no plan in place to fix….sad situation all around…somebody or group within Baytown is going to have to figure out…I don’t blame the parents for moving their kids out to neighboring districts with this going on..Hopefully you guys get some strong leadership in there and get it straightened out.
  4. From the outside looking in….why would you fault anybody leaving GCCISD with the problems you listed above?? BH, La Porte, Deer Park etc..voters aren’t the ones voting down the GCCISD bond proposals or voting in ineffective leadership..its your own people doing that…GCCISD and the citizens within have got to get their own house in order to stop the exodus of students and athletes to surrounding districts…as a parent you’d be doing your child a disservice not sending them to a “better” district (if the option is available)than what GCCISD is offering these days…
  5. Where’s a young Tubbs or Foster when we need them?? We’re such a long way from the 70’s/80’s heydays….
  6. When their head coach last year bailed on them at the last minute (May 30th) the pool of available candidates was extremely thin due to everyone being locked up contract wise for the following fall..so they bumped up one of the coordinators to the HC position for the 2024 season…They now are opening the position up to outside candidates..
  7. Sir, I will have you know that as a proud WISD alum I hold the state record for most homecoming games played! Both season and career!! 😁
  8. It doesn’t bother me. If there is a particular threat I don’t want to read I just don’t click on it.. I’ve seen game threads in the past that were very active get locked in the interest of “moving on to the next game”.. I never understood that. Is there a specific thread limit for the SETX Sports platform??
  9. Despite all the flack and criticism LU got when they hired the current HC it seems to have been a good move. I was one of those skeptics…Good to see them paying good ball!
  10. The State is telling citizens one thing while pressuring the local appraisal districts to get the evaluation numbers up…That’s it in a nutshell…
  11. Congrats to the Titans!
  12. Warren Warriors 2024 Varsity Schedule
  13. He was a good man. My kids thought the world of him!
  14. Never knew Mr. B worked at BPD!
  15. Good night ma’am. Sounds like you need to sleep one off…
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