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Everything posted by BH96

  1. Hey I have an idea It can be a first in SETXsports history. How about everyone that has posted on this thread come to a meet and greet when Jasper plays BH this Friday. We will meet at Halftime by the concession stand. After everyone meets we can all go behind the the concession stand and have the first ever offical Peeing contest. Shoot we can even have Koop their to give a play by play for the halftime show behind the concession stand. ;D
  2. Sorry didn't see this one or I wouldn't have put mine up.
  3. This will be BH first home game. I think they surprised alot of people and pull off a win against a Wharton team that is suppose to be loaded this year. So this should be a good game. I dont know alot about Jasper so I wont make a prediction about who will win until we get some Jasper fans on here and they can shed some light on their team.
  4. Man I love this OH yeah well mine is bigger then yours!!! Hah ;D Or I can pee further then you!! ;D Or I didn't start it he did!!! I like Hillguys post of with success comes critics. BH and WOS both have Critics. And IMO it is because we do real good in sports and it puts a target on us. But you also have to remember sometimes we can be our own worst critic and bring all this stuff on our self. Also I would like to say for those of you that like to talk poo poo. You better be able to take it back. Especially if it dont go the way you had planned cause someone here will have 2 peices of bread for all that poo poo your about to eat. And that goes for everyone me included.
  5. Man sure am glad we got that one under our belt. The frist win does wonders for confidence. Sure am glad they rested Sexton and allowed him to heal. I had heard BH is pretty young this year especially among startes in that the case. How many seniours are on the team and how many of them start?
  6. Now why would you say something stupid like that. I dont think I seen one person on here ranting and raving upset that Dayton lost. But their is always someone who has to stir the pot. Congratulations WOS better luck next year Dayton
  7. We are located in the Baytown Area and all postions are open. You may contact me at [email protected] for times, dates and info.
  8. I would but that is the loser the Astros lost too in the world series. That picture was taken in Minute maid park after they won the game. That and I dont know how to take it off.
  9. How many how runs were hit during the game
  10. BH 3 Falcons 1 end of 2nd
  11. they have a brand new site going up and it looks real good. I dont think it is fully functional yet. Maybe etbu can get on here and let everyone know about it and if we have to reregister or not.
  12. Man I havent been able to make a game yet cause of work! I am practically living out here. But man I heard the gym is real nice now. I wonder if they manage to get all of the nasty butt smell out from years of lifting weights upstairs. Or maybe it was just my own but I was smelling? Hey Fan what have you been up too aint seen you since football season or nothing.
  13. Jan 16th and 18th at Mc Cloud park in Mont Belvieu (behind DQ). Ages 4 thru 16. Must be 4 by Dec 31st
  14. Check out this stadium from CFISD. It will put most college stadiums to shame. Hey I wonder what their taxes are. www.drumcorpstexas.org/BerryStadium-3/index.html
  15. I use a remington model 30-06. And I hate it. It kicks harder then any gun I have ever used including a 7 mag. I have went thru 3 scopes on it. I dont know if the way the gun kicks is what is causing the scopes to go bad or not. But I am 6'4 and weight 280 so I aint no little fella. I would be willing to trade it for a .270 if some one is willing. I also have several other guns that were handed down to me. 25-20 lever action; 35 rem pump, 22 hornet I love these and still use them to this day even though the 25-20 is probablly close to 100 years old if not over.
  16. Listen to the game on KHSN.com
  17. We caught a 200 pound sow this morning in the same trap as before. Pictures will come later.
  18. Here is one we caught in a trap in Hankamer opening weekend. how do i post the picture
  19. UH we have better start getting ready now then! That would be perfect game of the week and a good rival BH vs. Baytown Lee. They would call it Battle of Dirty Bay or something.
  20. Well Im sure they can refuse to play them cant they
  21. Hey BHFAN that would be an awesome district wouldn't you think. Man that would be tuff.
  22. Thank you ETBU & others Our kids deserve respect for what they did this year
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