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Everything posted by leroy_reb

  1. aite sons.the game aint about no words.walk the walk.dont talk the talk. you play like that. and you can use the chalk. to put up a win on the row.make since of my wisdom for the game on friday boys.its to early to be breaking out the silly string men.
  2. i remember it as the night, that i was proved right.
  3. aite son. da bomb aka evadales royal predicting a 47-7 score when ur in the game aint trash talking boy?
  4. aite boy. evadale by a mile boy. eveyrthing was cliking last week son.big4mo got it done boy. rebs got pride. cards aint got none.
  5. Stringer aka big mo. quit sayin smack boy. you better have the cannon this week boy. real rebs dont say smack.real rebs got pride. get em rebs. dont say a word.
  6. aite boys. bigmo44 aka qb aka michael stringers is over analazing the game. 5 pasing yards aint gone beat burkville.and eastex you was on the side line boy not stands. real rebs got pride.dont say smack boy.
  7. Evadake boy.10-3. looks for definsive battle.
  8. aight. who ever is sayin them pirates are gone score 36 on the rebs is plumb crazy. they gotta line no pirate could ever pinitrait.remember. rebs got loyalty. and pirates aint got none.
  9. if evadale still had quitman jordan. he would be throwin tds all day. i heard he could break a window with a nanner peel. show them boys evadale does have beens.
  10. if michael stringer wood give it to the number 42 the playmaker. evadale would win by 42 no dout son.
  11. if 42 for evadale knows what down it is he can make the difference. he just needs to bulk up his legs.
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