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Posts posted by Hawkeye

  1. [quote name="knightrider" post="897229" timestamp="1288964620"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75567.msg897219#msg897219 date=1288963724]
    [quote author=knightrider link=topic=75567.msg897210#msg897210 date=1288963035]
    Time to find out who faces the Broncos in round "1" ::)

    Knightrider, who would you prefer to see Dayton matched up against? LCM, Livingston or PNG?
    [/quote]Really doesn't matter Hawkeye, but prefer PN-G ;D
    Yea me too. Unfortunately, I think that's the least likely scenario. (If I understand the 20-4A playoff race correctly) Whichever team it is will be a tough game though. Always is.
  2. I still can't figure out why Stratford kept trying to run up the middle. Several drives stalled because they insisted on hammering straight ahead. All their success was running outside or passing the ball. Stratford's Oline was big and stout but Malcom Brown did a great job plugging up the middle.

    Stratfords secondary is for real. I won't say they shut down Brenham's passing game, but they definitely slowed it way down. But they had no answer for Troy Green. That was the difference in this game. I think Stratford stopped Brenham on 1 3rd and short in the first half. But that was it. Great job by Brenhams offensive line tonight.
  3. [quote name="raideroldtimer" post="897103" timestamp="1288930823"]
    Ummmm, I'm not sure L-Town will get in on this one although, I would love to see me some Raiders riding them Broncos on that arteeeefishul grass out yonder at Da Butch.
    Oh well. Maybe next year. Sure would be fun to fire up some of that LTown vs. Dayton smack again! That was some good stuff. Plus we still owe you guys a spankin anyway!  ;D
  4. [quote name="WeedBegone" post="896657" timestamp="1288900304"]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=75493.msg896254#msg896254 date=1288875298]
    [quote author=broncos92 link=topic=75493.msg896168#msg896168 date=1288851947]
    I am goin to say Dayton. Started out 0-3 and everybody thought it was going to be a long season. Then they lost a defensive lineman and argueably the best RB in SETX. [b]They have won six in a row with the JV team playing in the 2nd half of most of these games.[/b] I think who ever has to play these guys better be nervous too. Also know one seems to be able to break da lil miniture horse they have(#15). He is running wild down there. Just want the competition to be aware and don't let him run wild on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If this is true about JV players playing in a varsity game after playing in a JV game the night before, that is totally illegal.

    Barbers Hill folks, maybe ya'll do know what ya'll are talking about in regards to some cheating going on. ;)

    Heard from a very reliable source that this has been reported to the UIL for review.
    Good Lord, not this crap again! Who is your reliable source? BH89-2? GEEEEZZZZ!
  5. [quote name="BrenhamCubs" post="896560" timestamp="1288893771"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75493.msg896273#msg896273 date=1288876813]
    Whichever 20-4A team Dayton gets in the first round. Always tough competition from that district. [i][b]If [/b] [/i] the Broncos make it through the first round, should be a cake walk untill we meet Barbers Hill in the regional finals. That's gonna be a game there because.............THE HILL IS FOR REAL!!!!! ;D
    Cake walk really?  You get brenham second round bud  ;D
    [quote author=BHPLYR_84 link=topic=75493.msg896609#msg896609 date=1288895997]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75493.msg896273#msg896273 date=1288876813]
    Whichever 20-4A team Dayton gets in the first round. Always tough competition from that district. [i][b]If [/b] [/i] the Broncos make it through the first round, should be a cake walk untill we meet Barbers Hill in the regional finals. That's gonna be a game there because.............THE HILL IS FOR REAL!!!!! ;D
    a dayton person witha bit of brains.  ;D ;D im shocked.


    It was not a hyperbole, it was sarcasm. Buds.
  6. [quote name="BrenhamCubs" post="896455" timestamp="1288887240"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75490.msg896274#msg896274 date=1288876956]
    [quote author=BrenhamCubs link=topic=75490.msg896061#msg896061 date=1288836539]
    Never know if you have channel 13.2 then you can stay home and watch it. Comcast cable anything like that.

    Okay, I'm technologically challeged. I got Comcast everything, but how the heck do I get to channel 13.2? HELP!
    On comcast its 314 or 685 or around there
    Well...that narrows it down for me. Thanks...I think. :D Sounds like a bunch of folks are going to the game. Hmmmm......perfect weather, chores are done, wife is out of town.....hmmmmm. Decisions decisions. 1) Stay home and try to find channel 13.2 and then get mad when I find out I don't even get that channel anyway so I end up watching reruns of Criminal Minds, or 2) drive over to Tully and expierence the sights, sounds and smells of a great high school football game (2 nights in a row.  ;D) See Ya'll There!!!!!!
  7. [quote name="liltex" post="896240" timestamp="1288873935"]
    What was the name of that team Brenham beat in the semi's in 09 that lost their 1st 4-6.Bingo Tivy  now are they better now for playing alot of SA 5a teams early that were good?I promise this Dayton team is much more explosive than last years and the defense is better.

    Good point Liltex. Except Brenham beat Tivy. I have been saying all year that this is basically the same exact Dayton team (minus Ploch and Franks) that went toe to toe with the Cubs last year.  But because we lost our first three games, the [b]perception[/b] is that we are a weaker team this year. NOT TRUE! That said though, Brenham is also better. The question is: Can the Bronco offense adapt in the next three weeks, to being without the most explosive player in the district? Jakari was a game changer, period. McBride is good, no doubt. But can he fill those shoes? We shall see.
  8. Quote "[b]I know this maybe on the wrong blog and i should have posted it on Rush limbaugh or somewhere. But speaking of respect and we just had the election I have a question. Why doesn't THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES get the respect he deserves. I know some of us don't like some decisions he makes, his skin color, or what ever the reason may be. This is not the first President that we have not agree with 100% of the time and I have never witness anything like what this man has gone thru. Like I said I know this is probably the wrong place for this but just reading some of the statements on here about Crosby not coming out for the National athem. I began to wonder being a veteran and serving this country why do we treat our President like that or anyone and then turn around and get mad at a coach are kids for not coming out for the National Athem is mind boggling to me."[/b]
    I gave you Karma for this one 92. If I could give you more I would. You're right, probably not the place for a post like this, but I agree 1000%. All the people in this thread that have bashed Crosby and BH for not coming out for the Anthem are more than likely bashing the the President of our country on a daily basis. It seems like it's the norm these days. The other side did the same thing with our previous President (although not as ferociously). What's our country coming to? One big Jerry Springer show?

    Back to football. I also agree with your latter post. I don't believe any team/coach/player was intentionally disrespecting the flag or the country. It's like you said....mind games. That's all it was. The problem is though, by coming out late, they leave themselves open for this type of criticism. And I'm sorry, but unlike some other posters have stated in this thread, it is the sole responsibility of the coaching staff to get the team out in time. No referee, no knocks on the door, no text messages should have to be sent to get the team out. That's all BS!! Game starts at 7. Get your arse out there 2 minutes early for the tribute to our country. It's that simple.
  9. [quote name="w" post="893715" timestamp="1288631292"]
    [quote author=octfeb link=topic=74918.msg885595#msg885595 date=1287872761]

    heres the link to make it easier to get to  ;)
       click on **** see all entries ****

    Thought I would move the link to this page so it would be easier to get to instead of going back to page 1.
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