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Posts posted by Hawkeye

  1. [quote name="Hawkeye" post="893171" timestamp="1288568316"]
    you replied to my post about a week ago when I asked about Tivy, and you said they were a lock for D1. Have you gotten some new info or just rumors?
    Whoops. sorry Cub. That was BrenhamFan that said Tivy was going D1. Your screen names are blurring together without my glasses.  :D :D 
  2. [quote name="BrenhamCubs" post="893168" timestamp="1288568130"]
    I heard there where going D1 does anyone know?
    I heard Aledo might too but i highly doubt that! I dont think thats true. Rumors these days.

    If this is true tryin to be cocky or anything it could be a easy ride for Brenham just saying
    Angelton,PNG and Dayton arent that as good as they were last year.

    oh and don't be too connfident in the Dayton game. ;D Brenham might be the favorite, but you know the Broncos will come to play!
  3. [quote name="Bronco/Cat Fan" post="892813" timestamp="1288544480"]
    I agree with the prior posts. I might add that there is no way a player of Jakari's caliber won't be missed, but this team still has all the parts necessary to be very successful. The potential of the passing game has yet to be realized and with our offensive line and the running game in the capable hands of Herrera, Xavier, and McBride, the Broncos future is very bright. Don't throw into double coverage and find the open receiver. The defense is playing fantastic, although the secondary needs a little fine tuning. One game at a time and the sky is the limit!
    Good post. I like the positive attitude.  8)
  4. [quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="892358" timestamp="1288489353"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75222.msg892323#msg892323 date=1288487829]
    I thought it was interesting that they moved Rip & Wright to the ends last night. Wright from the nose and Rip from OLB position. It sure seemed to work well against Merka. I watched them pretty close all night and those guys are amazing! They used a great deal of patience and discipline. It was a thing of beauty to watch them play their blocks and read, then attack.

    It's got to be hard for those guys not to just throw their blocks to the side and get in after the QB, which both of them could do on every play. But they didn't. They stuck with the game plan in the interest of the team and it paid off big time. Contaiment on Merka was outstanding. It's also worth mentioning that Tousant more than held his own at the nose. Great job guys. I salute the coaches as well. That was fun to watch. The whole defense is fun to watch.

    I wonder if that move was just a special surprise for Merka and the cougars or if they will stick with it.

    Rip at TE and Wright behind him in the jumbo set also makes for some pretty impressive blocking on offense. 
    Yea, that's a lot of beef. I noticed they used that a little more last night. One of the times Mcribe broke for a TD.
  5. I thought it was interesting that they moved Rip & Wright to the ends last night. Wright from the nose and Rip from OLB position. It sure seemed to work well against Merka. I watched them pretty close all night and those guys are amazing! They used a great deal of patience and discipline. It was a thing of beauty to watch them play their blocks and read, then attack.

    It's got to be hard for those guys not to just throw their blocks to the side and get in after the QB, which both of them could do on every play. But they didn't. They stuck with the game plan in the interest of the team and it paid off big time. Contaiment on Merka was outstanding. It's also worth mentioning that Tousant more than held his own at the nose. Great job guys. I salute the coaches as well. That was fun to watch. The whole defense is fun to watch.

    I wonder if that move was just a special surprise for Merka and the cougars or if they will stick with it.
  6. I hit ya again. Still #22. I really thought you'd move up faster with all this SETX support. Guess we'll have to get serious now. ;)

    Here's the link again so you don't have to go back and hunt for it. C'mon peoples! Let's win this thing!

  7. [quote name="PURPLE 4EVER" post="891314" timestamp="1288412835"]
    From the video...
    The Crosby player grabbed Jakari high up, but by the time he finally grabbed clothe, his hand was around the waist line.  The Crosby player was falling down and held on, Jakari planted his right foot, and his leg couldn't take the stress.  The tackle started up high, but it was NOT a horse collar, althought it sure did look like it.  Regardless... HEAL QUICKLY JAKARI!  Still sick at my stomach thinking of it.  Sometimes life isn't fair, but the tribulations we face in life make us stronger.
    Thanks to Toups and OctFeb for setting the story staight. A bad break for a good kid and a great athlete. Unfortunately it happens in football. Rarely, but it does happen. Heal well JD. We'll miss you.
  8. "The proceeds of our Rotary fund raisers are for scholarships for Dayton High School Seniors as well as support for other community and [b]international[/b] projects."

    Have the Bronchos gone worldwide? I can only wonder at the marvelous projects I'm supporting every time I bite into one of those Turkey legs!! ;D

    Objectively speaking,

    [size=16pt][color=purple][font=Comic Sans MS]Let's Go Broncos! Kick Some Crosby Buttox!!!!!!![/font][/color][/size]
  9. [quote name="BHPLYR_84" post="889619" timestamp="1288285002"]
    [b][i][u][u][i][b]dirty reffs[/b][/i][/u][/u][/i][/b], and half the team with food posioning. so lots of throwing up, and lots of fumbles from our young RB's
    Are you smokin baby's son? C'mon, tell the truth. I can see the resemblance in your posts. You forgot to mention Dayton's cheating though.  ;D What grade are you in Smokin Baby Jr.?
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