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Posts posted by Hawkeye

  1. I'm with a few of the posters on here who say this is gonna be a battle. I feel like the Broncos should take it, but it won't be a blowout. Here's my reasoning:

    1. Crosby's offense will be the best we've faced in district. Their strengths play into our defensive weaknesses. Pass defense and a scrambling, good running QB. I will say though, that this years Bronco D is improved in both coverage and containment. (showed that with Mr. Diggs) But if you had to pick a weakness(s) I would still say secondary. Don't beat me up about this. They're good! Just not as good as the front seven.

    2. Crosby's defense appears to be better at stopping the run than the pass. The Broncos have been predominantly a run team this year. I know the Broncos had 4 passing TD's last week (awesome performance by Herrera and Fowler by the way) but that hasn't been the norm. JD was out. I don't see Dayton throwing the ball 25 - 30 times. They should, but it'll be more like 10 -15.

    3. The intangebles. Turnovers. I know, I shouldn't have brought it up. But you know you were all thinking it too. The cougars will show up and play hard. It's Dayton! 8)

    Thiese are only reasons I think it will be semi-close.  Dayton is still a better team this year. And last. ;) I hope I'm wrong and it's 70 - 0. But I'm predicting more like 38 - 28.

  2. I think he plays....at least a few series. I hope. Although I have to say, Mcbride did and excellent job filling in. That kid is some kinda tough. Can't wait to see him next year. Could there be a competition for next year?

    They are going to need Mcbride on the field but I just don't see him as a receiver. Not that he can't catch, he just needs 15 touches a game. IMO
  3. [quote name="octfeb" post="883312" timestamp="1287755343"]
    [quote author=BRONX ROX link=topic=74564.msg883293#msg883293 date=1287754048]
    [quote author=PURPLE 4EVER link=topic=74564.msg883244#msg883244 date=1287748901]
    I predict...
    After the 29th of October, these Cougar fans will DISSAPEAR for a few weeks, just like the Eagle fans did a few weeks ago.
    Heck P4E they havent even showed up yet. I think smoking baby and BH fan have more post than Coug nation on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think Tyrone is going to change the name to "DAYTON VS anybody but Crosby Smack-a-thon" so we can get some competition
    [/quote] They will come... I promise you, they are lurking.... Wait til after tonight...

    Hey that's a pretty cool little "thing" you got there OCTFEB. You're gettin good at this. See if you can make one with cancer baby sticking his foot in mouth. ;D
  4. I can hear the play by play guy: "Q from the shotgun.... looking to pass... pressure up the middle from L.... he scrambles looking for F but he's well covered by T...... Q's forced to run and he's gang tackled by B,D,W,Z and the rest of the alphabet. Now on to punt.....P of course!

    This post was brought you by the letter H & the letter M.
  5. Okay I got the funny pics thing out of my system. But I got more if I'm forced to use them so don't get in my face!

    Now for some football! I know the Hwy. 90 shootout is still 9 days away but let's face it, there are no NF fans on here and that game just doesn't compare. So we might as well look ahead.

    [u]Questions on the Crosby vs. Dayton game:[/u]
    1. Can the Bronco defense get to Merka with their 3-4? Do they even really want to flush him or just contain him?

    2. Is the Cougar defense good enough to stop the new and improved Bronco O?

    3. Can the Broncos keep from giving Crosby the ball inside our own 30?
  6. [quote name="octfeb" post="882139" timestamp="1287616273"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=74698.msg882105#msg882105 date=1287613907]
    [quote author=octfeb link=topic=74698.msg882087#msg882087 date=1287612196]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=74698.msg882083#msg882083 date=1287611752]
    I'll be there for sure! Gotta check out how the Bronco offense adapts without JD. That and to watch the Steppers and the Band of course. ;)
    [/quote] aww really? you like to watch the band too? Kinda hard to hear them sometimes cause we always seem to sit around BLABBER mouths  >:( during half time...    <_< 
    I support all the kids. Athletes or otherwise. My daughter was in on the ground floor of the drill team rebuild (Steppers) I kinda like to watch them get better and better each year. That first year (06 I think) was pretty rough though. :D
    [/quote] You know they (The Steppers) have been invited to compete @ Disney in February right? I think in California
    Yea I heard that. Great for them. I'm glad I don't have to pay for any more of those trips though! Course it was cheaper than college. ;D
  7. [quote name="octfeb" post="882087" timestamp="1287612196"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=74698.msg882083#msg882083 date=1287611752]
    I'll be there for sure! Gotta check out how the Bronco offense adapts without JD. That and to watch the Steppers and the Band of course. ;)
    [/quote] aww really? you like to watch the band too? Kinda hard to hear them sometimes cause we always seem to sit around BLABBER mouths  >:( during half time...    <_< 
    I support all the kids. Athletes or otherwise. My daughter was in on the ground floor of the drill team rebuild (Steppers) I kinda like to watch them get better and better each year. That first year (06 I think) was pretty rough though. :D
  8. [quote name="Jackthehammer" post="882095" timestamp="1287613065"]
    I got one word for this topic. Its an easy one. Its FRIENDYWOOD. You know who you are. The annual winner of the worst fans in the state.
    C'mon Jack......everyone remembers your epic word battle with fwstangs. I thought you two were gonna duke it out there for a while! But just because you got into it with ONE poster from unfriendlywood (they only have about two on here) doesn't mean the whole fan base is obnoxious. Does it?
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