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Posts posted by Hawkeye

  1. I'm sure that the pep talk just ran a little long and the BH coaches just lost track of time. Let's not make too big a deal out of this. I've seen this happen before with other teams and it's just one of those things. Barbers Hill is a class act and for anyone to suggest otherwise is just wrong. Let this one go now people.
  2. Just kidding.  ;) It is nice to get a W, but there are a lot more football games to be played. The Broncos offense still has a lot of fine tuning to do. Half the points we scored last night were gifts from the hill. I'm still baffled as to why the Broncos don't throw over the middle of the field more. They threw one ball over the middle last night on a 3rd and 13 for a first down. They have good receivers and an accurate QB so I'm not sure. I just think if they mixed it up a bit more (inside/outside) they would be more effective. But hey, that's why I'm turning valves and not coaching.
  3. [quote name="Matt" post="856698" timestamp="1285427899"]
    The whole team along with the coaches, stayed inside their little tunnel until after the national anthem was played, NO CLASS!!!
    Now don't go spreading rumors. This is not true. They were still in the locker room while the anthem was being played. But same difference I guess.
  4. [quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="856600" timestamp="1285420960"]
    [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73111.msg855277#msg855277 date=1285364289]
    [quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855248#msg855248 date=1285362239]
    [quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
    [quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
    Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

    Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

    Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

    Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

    Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

    Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.
    It is easy to enjoy when you are on the right side of a 54 to 0 beat down. This is exactly my point. All mouth with nothing to back it up. You guys have few things to work on, and we well, I dont't know where to begin to talk about BH's problems. Goodluck the rest of the year.
    I wrote that I enjoyed the thread [b]BEFORE[/b] the game was played. So what point are you trying to make? Lighten up and have some fun man. Use the smiley face every once in a while.  ;D ;D ;D
  5. [quote name="bh89-2" post="856503" timestamp="1285394149"]
    I didn't see him bump the official.  Was running the young-one on a potty break.  Did see the other official toss a flag because Gage was standing just over the blue strip (not even in the field of play).  [b]The refs in this game sucked worse than any game I have ever watched, and they sucked against both sides.  I thought it would be 2AM before the game would finish.[/b]
    Well, my original prediction was BH would not score and get no more than 5 first downs.  Was not far off.  Again, no chance in haties this offense works without some VERY SPEACIAL running backs.  We don't have anything even close to a good running back, much less 3.  We do have a few very good receivers, but when a QB never throws and a receiver never catches, how they gonne get any better?  Pathetic excuse for a game plan with 2 weeks to prepare.   

    I beg to differ. There were a lot of penalties in this game for sure. (Both ways) But I did not see one call that was wrong. I saw a few that went uncalled, but thats every game. Dayton had a couple of TD's called back......both good calls. If your saying the refs were bad because they called too many of the penalties that were commited, well I guess that's your opinion. But if you're saying they were bad because they made bad calls, then you're wrong.
  6. [quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="855248" timestamp="1285362239"]
    [quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
    [quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
    Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

    Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

    Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

    Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

    Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

    Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.
  7. [quote name="octfeb" post="852955" timestamp="1285092524"]

    “Going into district, we’re competing and playing hard, and that’s never been this group’s problem,” he said. “Going into district 0-3 is never where you want to be, but their world is not coming to an end tonight. We’re going to make some personnel changes and look at some other areas to see if we can solve some of the problems we have.”<---- last paragraph of the article

     So has anyone heard what the new personnel is?

    I wouldn't expect to see any major changes. Let's not forget that this is (basically) the same team that went toe to toe with Brenham last year (for 3 1/2 quarters  ;)) in the regionals. This team even has a better defense IMO. We've played some really tough teams and commited like what....12 or 13 turnovers?

    I think we will start to see this team come together Friday night. They are too good not to. So in the words of that great american, George  Bush, stay the course!!

    Broncos 24 - 0
  8. [quote name="tnt_mom" post="851866" timestamp="1284982654"]
    [quote author=Tyrone_Biggums link=topic=72920.msg849249#msg849249 date=1284747034]
    I wonder who would win in a fight, Smoking Baby or bhfan?  BTW, if anyone has forgotten, THE HILL IS FOR REAL.

    How could we forget THE HILL IS FOR REAL. This thread has gone on for 14 pages.  Maybe BH should make that their slogan for all their athletics this year and put it on all their shirts.  Then we would be sure and not forget.

    BTW-Funny how everyone said BH academics is so superior but we moved from BH this year.  My daughter was working on her Dual Credit English paper and made the comment "BH did nothing to get me ready for College classes. What a [b]waist[/b]."  BH needs to get off [b]their[/b] high horse and come down to reality but it will never happen.   

    You might want to invest in a dictionary for her. I still have my old one from DHS if you're interested.
  9. [quote name="bh89-2" post="848075" timestamp="1284576792"]
    [quote author=Tyrone_Biggums link=topic=72920.msg848071#msg848071 date=1284576603]
    I think everyone is missing the point here.  The point being that the Hill is for Real.  If you don't know, now you know.....

    A quick list of what the hill has going for them:

    1. An awesome offense called the flexbone that will destroy opposing front 7's.
    2. Striped throw back uniforms.
    3. Supporters like BHFAN and smoking baby that will put them over the top come playoff time.
    4. The next 3 points are where I would write something that soldier would ban me for.
    5. Thanks Soulja.
    6. Thanks Soulja.
    7. A tunnel.  Tunnels make winners.
    8. Dayton envy.  It's okay, atleast you guys want to be like the best. 


    Forgot one that BHFan pointed out:

    9. Lots of fertilizer from the north.....  ;D ;D

    How is the searh for a man-slap coming?    ;D ;D


    Should BH need more fertilizer.......

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