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Everything posted by THE DUDE

  1. only rules he likes apply..... lol
  2. well both coaches agreed so it is okay...... rules don't matter as long the coaches agree.
  3. i would rather be related to her than people like you and bmtgirlscout. typical activity from people like you.......... yall keep making setx proud. LOL
  4. i heard they agreed to use 6 man rules for this game so no need for a running clock.
  5. but yet here you are learning football rules from me...... SMH you are just as bad as you pal from BMT. don't get mad and leave the board again......... LOL
  6. because officials in this area don't know the rules. just think of what other rules they are screwing up. they see it done in leagues that have adopted this rule and thinks it is okay. the NCAA/Uil has written this rule for a reason and they want it followed. not following the rules of the game as a official/coach opens you up to all kinds of liabilities. just because everybody agrees to it does not make it right.
  7. don't get your feelings hurt again....... LOL
  8. the UIL does not have a rule book only exception to the NCAA rules. if it is not listed an exception you follow the NCAA rule. there is no exception for a running clock except in TAPPS Timing Adjustments—ARTICLE 2 Approved Ruling 3-2-2 I. At halftime the score is 56-0. The coaches and the referee agree that the third and fourth quarters should be shortened to 12 minutes each. The coaches also request that the second half be played with a “running clock,” i.e., that the game clock not be stopped. RULING: The remaining quarters may be shortened to 12 minutes each. However, the “running clock” is not allowed; normal clock rules apply for the entire game.
  9. well i glad you could learn something today even if you don't want to try and improve yourself. the point being there is a clear cut rule in place for blow outs why not use it? instead they want to make up rules which puts everybody in a bad spot. it just takes that one coach that wants to gain an advantage or screw another team to make this a problem. here is a example of something being done for years and until one person complains. [Hidden Content]
  10. no there is not a UIL exception 3-2-1. The total playing time in a collegiate game shall be 60 minutes, divided into four periods of 15 minutes each, with one-minute intermissions between the first and second periods (first half) and between the third and fourth periods (second half) (Exception: A one-minute intermission between the first and second and the third and fourth periods may be extended for radio and television timeouts). a. No period shall end until the ball is dead and the referee declares the period ended [S14]. b. The intermission between halves shall be 20 minutes, unless altered before the game by mutual agreement of the administrations of both schools. Immediately after the second period ends, the referee should begin the intermission by signaling to start the game clock [S2]. EXCEPTION: 3-2-1. Change to read as follows: The total playing time in UIL Varsity games shall be 48 minutes, divided into four periods of 12 minutes each, with one-minute intermissions between the first and second periods (first half) and between the third and fourth periods (second half) (Exception: In games below the varsity level, periods may be shortened by mutual consent of the competing schools). a. No period shall end until the ball is dead and the referee declares the period ended [S14]. b. The intermission between halves, which begins when the field is clear of all players and coaches, shall be a maximum of 28 minutes for regular season games and 24 minutes for post-season games. The intermission between halves for post-season games may be 28 minutes if mutually agreed upon by both schools. [S2] c. Halftime of State Championship games shall be 24 minutes. [S2] no one ever complained about a JV kid running bases on a varsity baseball team but it happened to BC. most schools did the samething BC did but they still had to forfeit games. just because it happens a lot does not make it right. i would expect you to know the rules of the game better than you do.
  11. not sure i have time with a project like you..... glad i could help you learn at least one rule of the game.
  12. the UIL uses NCAA rules with UIL exception. which means NCAA plays 60 minutes UIL plays 48 minutes. NCAA from 15 to 12 UIL 12 to 9 this is an example on how it should be done. it doesn't have to be that time difference..
  13. Timing Adjustments—ARTICLE 2 Approved Ruling 3-2-2 I. At halftime the score is 56-0. The coaches and the referee agree that the third and fourth quarters should be shortened to 12 minutes each. The coaches also request that the second half be played with a “running clock,” i.e., that the game clock not be stopped. RULING: The remaining quarters may be shortened to 12 minutes each. However, the “running clock” is not allowed; normal clock rules apply for the entire game. this rule is pretty cut and dry
  14. Timing Adjustments—ARTICLE 2 Approved Ruling 3-2-2 I. At halftime the score is 56-0. The coaches and the referee agree that the third and fourth quarters should be shortened to 12 minutes each. The coaches also request that the second half be played with a “running clock,” i.e., that the game clock not be stopped. RULING: The remaining quarters may be shortened to 12 minutes each. However, the “running clock” is not allowed; normal clock rules apply for the entire game. pretty clear on the rule
  15. very good you learned something today. keep up the good work.....
  16. you are right i doubt there will be a complaint but why not just follow the rules and avoid this possible situation. if the coaches just keep running the ball the clock will run anyway. all it takes is for a coach to come back and say i did not agree to a running clock. i guess it is okay to pick and choose which rules they follow and which ones don't matter. there is a rule for this why not follow it. Any time during the game, the playing time of any remaining period or periods may be shortened by mutual agreement of the opposing head coaches and the referee. (A. R. 3-2-2-I) just ask BC baseball team about that JV kid that would run on the varsity. they doubted anybody would complain because most teams did this but look what happened.
  17. technically the UIL does dictate the game since they are governing body. there are rules and procedures in place to shorten a game per the UIL. it would funny if a complaint was filed with the UIL and the district committee ruled it a double forfeit. seems like there is A LOT you need explained to you about the game.
  18. point being the uil does not have a mercy rule of a running clock like tapes does. so if you need me to explain that to you message me
  19. as usually you have no clue so you just make up some dumb answer. keep up the good work..............
  20. it is 2020 things happen this year. coaches are the problem with junior league sports. they don't understand it is about teaching the kids not about all the other BS they do.
  21. you are held to play it. that is why your team gets the win and they get the lose for not showing up. what more do you want?
  22. LOL all this over junior league football WOW
  23. don't you live in the silsbee area?
  24. they better be careful or the whole volunteer dept will step down.
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