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Everything posted by THE DUDE

  1. NOPE. hasn't happened and will not happen
  2. i have seen plenty of people at football games shirt less and shoe less.
  3. i am not the one worried about people wearing mask. i have a right to not wear mask just as you have a right to wear one. i have already been to sporting events without a mask and will continue to do so.
  4. NOPE i will never wear a mask because of covid. if YOU don't like it STAY HOME.
  5. time to start dusting off your hurricane flipping coin to see who wins these games.
  6. good luck with that.
  7. there were several leagues that had a season. BC, PNG, VID, NED babe ruth, mid county babe ruth etc... i don't remember seeing many mask at any of those locations.
  8. i am willing to bet he is not a big fan of any social media so i would not take it personally.
  9. they had gone down hill prior to jones arrival.
  10. what is sad? jones is an old school type of guy and does things the right way. lots of people don't like the old school way is the problem i bet if you asked him he has never heard of these message boards.
  11. has anybody noticed all the college programs cancelling their season already?
  12. that was my point. maybe nederlandl can get a big water cannon like woodville has.
  13. you know the stuff woodville has on there field has to be WATERED.........
  14. over just like baseball and basketball last year.
  15. yep. just my guess. something will happen by that time and the season will be over.
  16. maybe the 5A/6A might get to play a game
  17. are we taking beats yet on what week they cancel the football season?
  18. they are trying to be like their rivals
  19. so is this drone flight illegal? i have seen other photos from this flight where it was over the stadium [Hidden Content]
  20. was not directed at you. general statement for all the people who think floyd died due to a knee to the neck. i just used your post to prove a point.
  21. has anybody seen the weather forecast?
  22. nope. so a grown man can kneel on a baby's neck and it did not kill him. think about that for a second and tell me the drugs is not what killed floyd
  23. so a grown man can kneel on a baby's neck and it did not kill him. think about that for a second and tell me the drugs is not what killed floyd.
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