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Everything posted by THE DUDE

  1. they should just cancel this football season like they dis baseball.
  2. and that is the root of the problem.
  3. you can still have sports. just do give athletic scholarships. you have athletes at colleges that can't pass a basket weaving 101
  4. they should do away with ALL athletic scholarships and only give scholarships for academics.
  5. it is a football game not a band contest. these band people are lucky they get to come to the game for free.
  6. was it this story? [Hidden Content]
  7. some people don't want these teachers pushing their liberal agenda on their kids but still want them to play sports.
  8. so does this mean "home school" kids can now play uil sports in the school district they live in?
  9. well maybe you can convince him to change his evil ways.
  10. GOD forgives ALL. if YOU change your ways now you don't have to end up in HELL.....
  11. LOL. thanks for making my point......
  12. other nationalities don't look to get offended or play the victim over nothing unlike yours.....
  13. i think it is a over priced shoe.
  14. so are the people who watch the NFL suppose ti give the BLACK POWER FIST during the black anthem? asking for a friend..............
  15. a slap on the hand.....
  16. they do NOT want equal treatment they want special treatment.
  17. the DEMS and black population sure act like they want to be segregated. black colleges united negro college fund the national association for the advancement of colored people miss black america contest black entertainment television magazines like ebony and jet now this anthem there are plenty more examples can you imagine if the rest of america started doing this?
  18. i have no problem with people having a different opinion that is what makes this country great. people need to learn to leave their politics at home not bring them to work i watch sports to get away from politics. sports is the only place you can see a dem and rep agree on anything and now they want to destroy that. i also hope nascar falls on their face
  19. because the DEMS have conditioned them to play the victim. ALWAYS the victim blaming others for their failures you don't hear successful people no matter what color blaming others for their set backs.
  20. i agree. ALL blacks should stop playing sports. their genetics are direct result from slavery and now the white people are just USING them for entertainment............ what are you willing to bet that don't happen.
  21. happy treason day..............
  22. that is even more reason NOT to wear a mask. i hope the NFL falls on their face
  23. so can we all start posting advertisements for our businesses?
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