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Everything posted by THE DUDE

  1. wasn't BPD in a lawsuit many years ago because they would pass over more qualified white males to hire minorities and females?
  2. it is an old saying....... This is one of a large number of sayings of the form “You can take X out of Y, but you can’t take Y out of X”, where X is a type of person, or a named person, and Y is a place or a culture in which X lived. The implication is that this person/type-of-person will have acquired certain habits of thought when they lived in this place/culture; when they move elsewhere (or are moved elsewhere), there won’t be any easy way to make them give up these mental habits. Example: at the end of the Vietnam war, there was a saying “You can take the soldiers out of Vietnam, but you can’t take Vietnam out of the soldiers.” It meant that, in Vietnam, many soldiers had acquired anti-social habits and attitudes: solving their problems by violent aggression, and taking hard drugs, for instance. Once they were brought back to America, many of them still had these undesirable traits. Another example: it’s been said that “You can take the President out of real estate, but you can’t take real estate out of the President”. It means that Donald Trump acquired his problem-solving skills while working in the real estate market in various American cities; now that he’s President, he’s inclined to use the same techniques to solve problems in international diplomacy, and they don’t work. The saying you gave us was “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl”. If we assume that “the girl” means a young woman, and “the country” means a rural district where she spent her formative years, I would imagine that the saying means that if you move such a young woman to an urban setting, the rural attitudes that she has won’t work very well in a sophisticated place such as a city.
  3. you can take them out of the hood/trailer park but you cant take the hood/trailer park out of them
  4. it is so the police can see you and you can't see them......
  5. it is not about equal treatment it is about special treatment.
  6. you mean it is a "pretend" protest because they are not stealing and burning like your liberal friends?
  7. haven't seen KAP at any marches. hmmmm same thing that happen last time will happen again. the people who support the NFL will stop spending their money with them. once the NFL starts to see the lose of revenue they will change their tune. it is all about the benjamins


    they are a hate group plan and simple.
  9. i can't believe the police shot an innocent woman like that........
  10. bush has a lot of skeletons. bush maybe afraid trump may uncover some of his while draining the swamp.
  11. trump will just classify BLM as the hate group that they are. then she will have some explain why she is associated with a hate group.
  12. i guess you over looked how many/much drugs GF had in his system? plus GF had covid 19 and we all know how deadly that is......... maybe those cops need to sue GF family for him exposing them to covid 19. they could die from that or have lung damage. that is your problem along with many others. you are too emotionally attached to make unbiased decisions. all i am saying is don't be surprised if they are not found guilty of murder. was GF having shortness of breath due to his heart condition, drugs, covid 19, knee to the neck or all the above? i don't think putting a knee to the back of GF neck is right but the same actions done to a health person would not of caused their death.
  13. chauvin was in the wrong for what he did we can agree on that. did his action kill GF? nothing i saw on the video gives me proof that it did. GF had a lot of things going on that day. to single out a knee to the back of the neck as the cause of death is going to be hard. did i miss something? do you have proof the knee would be the cause of death?
  14. that would be like the KKK having a march downtown PA or BMT. legal yes, smart no these groups will keep picking a fight they can't win then they will expect the police to come in and save them.
  15. that is your opinion and but can you prove it? they are going have to prove the use of force caused the death and not all the drugs and heart condition he already had. i don't see them getting a conviction on the murder charge.
  16. or did he? [Hidden Content]
  17. it got removed imagine that. i love this girl.....
  18. he said he was claustrophobic i bet that made it bad on him having to spend 5 years in prison for agg assault with a weapon.
  19. what hadn't been a problem at BISD. perception is reality.
  20. dang why didn't i think of that........
  21. where are the protest over this murder?????
  22. we need some rain...........
  23. [Hidden Content] it from the NYTIMES so take it with a grain of salt.
  24. where would the PE classes/junior high football go if they made that a parking lot?
  25. NOPE [Hidden Content]
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