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Everything posted by THE DUDE

  1. these people allow the media to control their emotions and there minds. the sad part about it is they have no idea it is happening.
  2. they have put the stands and bathrooms on the back burner. they will get to the stands and bathrooms after everything else is done IF they have any money left over. i have already heard of some issues with not being enough money
  3. medical evidence would disagree with you.
  4. well that is what the doctor reported.
  5. George Floyd died Monday from a combination of preexisting health conditions exacerbated by being held down by Minneapolis officers, not from strangulation or asphyxiation, based on the medical examiner’s initial report. Preliminary findings from a Tuesday autopsy conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation,” according to the criminal complaint filed Friday against former officer Derek Michael Chauvin. “Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease,” said the complaint from the Hennepin County Attorney. “The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”
  6. since you agree that the NAACP is a racist group where do you draw the line for acceptable racism opposed to unacceptable racism?
  7. you are correct. both are racist groups. different extremes but they are still both racist groups. so it is okay to be racist as long at you don't march and have demonstrations? where do you draw the line for acceptable racism?
  8. NAACP is no different than the KKK. both are racist groups. if you truly want to get rid of racism you need to stop dividing people and drawing lines. National Association for the Advancement of Underprivileged People.
  9. where do you draw the line? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is a group based on race. as long as you have groups based on race you will have division. the problem with groups like these is they don't want to be treated EQUAL they want to be treated SPECIAL.
  10. doesn't look like he will be playing any QB.
  11. you should really go visit barrett station some day. you will love it.......
  12. well if he was an avid jogger like they say i am sure he talked about his split times with friends and family. when i ran 4-5 times a week i kept up with my times so i could improve.
  13. if you want to talk about this topic you should start a new thread and not hijack this one. i might even go comment on that thread. back on topic: i want to hear more about the sweet innocent jogger. i wonder what his mile pace was?
  14. id this just a HC or HC/AD job?
  15. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  16. i believe he was currently on probations and could be a reason he did not want to be identified : When he was in high school, Arbery was sentenced to five years probation as a first offender on charges of carrying a weapon on campus and several counts of obstructing a law enforcement officer. He was convicted of probation violation in 2018 after he was charged with shoplifting, court documents show.
  17. kountzer said "They got video of other people prowling around in that construction sight." that would be the "ACT"
  18. they also did not get caught in the act nor did they take off running.
  19. thanks great video on putting a time line together. i was really wanting to know what pamfam10 thought he knew as facts.
  20. can you list the facts of the case so i can get up to speed?
  21. it will be close. they better hope we have some good weather over the summer.
  22. TMZ released it as ahmaud if that means anything. this video shows a couple of things. 1 ahmaud is somewhere he is not suppose to be. most city parks don't allow you to drive on the grass. 2 ahmaud's aggressive behavior when he feels like he is being mistreated. if he will act that aggressive towards the police just think what he will do to normal people he is upset at. bottom line ahmaud is not some innocent jogger who got murdered.....
  23. i see they are finally moving dirt today.
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