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Everything posted by Raider4

  1. Raiders have lost too many key players. Worried about this one!
  2. Heard they are renting bleachers and working to make Raiders feel at home.
  3. There wasn’t room for a visitor side. The area were they had to put the field wasnt wide enough.
  4. Yes. Out for the season, also shows steers, out for that as well. Pretty sad, it happen on the kick off.
  5. 2100 seats. No visitor bleachers. At least they have turf.
  6. Next week No visitor stands
  7. Super sad that Lumberton lost a key player on the first play of the game. Out for the season.
  8. Proud of our Raiders! Big target on their backs.
  9. How many times you going to say this
  10. It’s public record for administration
  11. But they had fun and blew up Snapchat
  12. Thank you for cheering on our girls too and attending the games
  13. Yea all three people in here got confused.
  14. LCM is one of the lowest stipends for coaches
  15. The coach pulled him and said a lot to him!
  16. I am too. I love our golden triangle is top dogs
  17. Vidor wins Vidor 1 Lumberton 2 LCM 3
  18. Lost players left and right
  19. What the fluke Raiders won.
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