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Everything posted by GURU

  1. May God protect all teams playing tonight play safe and injury free. May the best team win! Go #Cougar's
  2. Who you represent?
  3. You are a D.A.
  4. You shall see when we roll 2 PNG!!!๐Ÿ˜ˆ #Let's go COUGAR'S #PNG Who??? #PNG Team went to Texas๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. You said Vidor is better than Crosby. That is a false statement. Yes Crosby lost to Vidor. Vidor did not score 1 running touchdown. A better Coaching job by Vidor preparing for the game. IMO
  6. You sound EXTREMELY SALTY about a KID... smh... GCM needs to focus on their TEAM and DISTRICT. You have a VERY biased and false truth.
  7. Vidor is not in a conversation w/ CROSBY! DO you watch games or sores? Crosby needs work... Our worst games have teams on the ropes. #Stay tuned
  8. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  9. Facts! PNG nearly lost to a not so talented very well Coached Vidor team.
  10. Nah... BH next on the hit list๐Ÿ‘น
  11. UPSET???
  12. You are CORRECT SIR! Thankyou for being spot on point!๐Ÿ˜‰ Why go for the hailmary on 1st nd ten... With 09:59 seconds in the 1st qt??? We have other options offensively which showed Friday Night... We are talent wise THE BEST TEAM in our district... We shall see next week... I stand behind the Coaching Staff nd we wiil prevail You are a true Cougar Fan!!! We are family for life #GO COOG'S
  13. The offense need's improvement I agree. However we have a talent pool that exceeds 8th graders That is an insult to the kids. Be more specific on what is the problem.
  14. That score is not logical. #CC WIN 14-7
  15. Last week nc game was a fluke๐Ÿ‘Ž #reloaded
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