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Everything posted by Sugarbear

  1. 25 Evadale to 5 HD
  2. They got that idea from the Star Trek, I even remember the episode.
  3. They aren't mandating masks because they want to they are mandating masks because they are forced to. Government overreach and it has to be met with resistance.
  4. Conspiracy theorist are people who see the writing on the wall and start pointing out what is obviously happening and the label is given to discredit the reality that is. Hitler wrote "Lie to them long enough and they will believe the lie."
  5. FREEDOM ISN'T SAFE and COVID 19 is here forever. "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  6. They won't because you live in Texas, if you noticed that BK was in New York so of course it makes sense.
  7. So I have a theory that I have developed over the years. The United States was founded by individuals that lived during a time that required them to be realistic about their life and caused them to question things that didn't make sense like "why am I listening to (following rules of) someone that is thousands of miles away to determine the way I should live." Well in order to destroy that philosophy you must first destroy the things that that culture developed in the course of their history. For example music, the sports they created, their language, and their faith are very important to their identification of their culture. So to destroy this culture you have to get rid of it. So here is my theory . . . years ago they introduced soccer to the United States and they said this is the most popular sport in the world and of course in the beginning everyone in the U.S. said "who cares we have our sports and we love them" and no-one thought soccer would ever amount to anything in the U.S. at that time and 40 years later it is still here AND growing. I always thought that if you played soccer it was because you couldn't play anything else (I know that isn't true now but back then I did). (anybody remember the phrase Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and ___________?) Yeah my point. No one is promoting anything U.S. very much anymore. I have watch professional football break down into what Terry Bradshaw said "we should be putting skirts on the quarterbacks." If you played football and didn't understand how violent it can be then you are a fool and get out (now we have targeting rules) I mean no kidding someone may be looking to hit you, duh. Professional football has been watered down but that didn't ruin it, what has ruined it and other U.S. specific sports has be the politicization of all U.S. sports. We use to come together in spite of our differences to play a game everyone loved and no one cared what your politics were and now I can't stand to watch the scripted equivalent of WWE in football, basketball and maybe even baseball. Music is simple, does anyone think that "country music" today is the same country music of 40 years ago? Well it's not in fact the instruments that made country music country music are missing. Our cultural music is disappearing and yet the slide began 40 years ago (and arguably longer) and it was slow but now if you listen it is nothing more than pop music. Our faith, yeah anyone want to argue that a once Christian majority and tolerant of others is now under attack from those same people we were tolerant of? Christians were tolerant of others because we were U.S. citizens and we had religious freedom so yeah believe as you wish. And language, I will just ask this question: what pronoun do you go by? Things are getting blurry and the tyrants in charge are ok if they (United States citizens) disappear. All for the globalization of the "New world order." FREEDOM ISN'T SAFE
  8. Get woke, go broke, I hope the same happens to the professional sports and we can have a reset.
  9. I think their patty melt is amazing and when I feel I need a change I order grilled jalapenos to go on it.
  10. So here is my 2 cents on this getting old thing . . . I am going to do my best to teach my grandchildren that there is a better way and to never be a victim. As a father I am 50/50 on that, my daughter is a victim and my son is not and he is the one with children at least right now. I wish I could have been 100% but I am also not responsible for the choices of another adult but still I didn't stop loving my daughter. I will fight to keep my children free in a world where that meaning is blurred but here is the rub. Using Fauci as an example he said "people need to give up their freedom for the good of society." This is why I will fight for my grandchildren because FREEDOM isn't safe but it is a heck of a good time. I hope this makes some kind of sense.
  11. Actually there is a Kokomo, Indiana. 😊
  12. Wouldn't that be nice but that isn't the world we live in anymore. Coaches are getting harder and harder to get these days because they no longer have the autonomy they once had because of these "snow plow parents" who are way worse than the "helicopter parents." I don't know if this is a fact but I feel that this is true that coaches and teachers are retiring 2 times faster than the colleges are graduating future teachers. And these "new" teachers/coaches usually don't make a career out of teaching/coaching or even 5 years as a teacher/coach after they see the reality of teaching/coaching these days.
  13. Won't be close, Woodville by 2 touchdowns.
  14. So through my experience I have found that some people are willing to go through "mental gymnastics" in order to make sure the people that they support are right even though someone that is rational would call these "mental gymnastics" a lie. Just sayin
  15. I think they will be less as we go forward. You know just a spike and then a downward trend. I hope.
  16. That is soo true. LMAO
  17. It is posted under cancelled games thread and the replacement game was shown.
  18. Good job Coach Buckner! You deserve that win.
  19. They should have won last week.
  20. Tatum putting up a basketball score a little early.
  21. I think: Hardin 14 Kountze 7 Kountze has the tools to win but the heart wasn't there tonight.
  22. I think I saw it scheduled.
  23. Roman was no slouch either.
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