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Everything posted by NetCat

  1. This^ I don't care who wins one way or another, but I know who I would be more worried to play this point in the season. And it's not the Oilers
  2. 2A better hope not 😂 Holy Crap that would be terrible
  3. Note on Evadale, Williams has been there for years...he just took a year off last year
  4. Thanks! Maybe I'm missing something...but what changed? I didn't see anything obvious
  5. Just don't make a "worst coaches in the area thread," it would probably break the site because of all the replies! 😂
  6. Good, I'm probably going to able to come to more games this year. Excited for the season!
  7. How good are the Tigers going to be this year?
  8. Ok good, I didn't know any of it had changed last year...
  9. That is horrible!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Glad there are some Colmesneil fans on here Lol. It was kind of a one sided argument on here
  11. This^ That is just a bad decision by that coach. Hopefully he learns from the mistake. Sometimes the best way to learn is to fail. Hate it for those kids though
  12. What changed? Still only 5 yards from the line right?
  13. Thank you, unless I change my mind on driving (probably not) I'll pick one of those
  14. Ok thanks. I thought it was Jasper that didn't want to play them though. I know that's been the case for years...
  15. Both good choices, I just don't know if I want to drive that far tonight Lol. Thanks for the input!
  16. They want to play, or they won't play? Clarify please
  17. It might be close but I still think Day wins tonight
  18. I'm getting off work unexpectedly tonight so in y'alls opinion, what is the best game to go watch tonight?
  19. Theory is sound, probably be closer than people think though
  20. Why do you think so? Dogs played better with Grapeland than I expected...
  21. Day beats his former team by a 2 TD's
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