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Setx fan

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Everything posted by Setx fan

  1. The economy was moving upward before then?
  2. Nope. You got it
  3. So I guess we’ll ignore the years that led to 2009-10. Lol
  4. So it was naturally happening under Obama but Trump had to unleash the super powers to keep it going. Sounds legit
  5. Nope. I just don’t think no one man can control the U.S. economy. Trump just came in at the right time. Just like he was unfortunate to be in office during COVID.
  6. I wasn’t aware. I thought the economy began to grow around 2010. I believe Trump took office like 4 years ago
  7. Did the economy just begin to grow when he took office?
  8. What is it about him that makes him better than the other 4 presidents since Reagan?
  9. I just got word from LumRaiderFan it doesn’t exist so I guess your right. It’s been fun my guy 😁
  10. So now it doesn’t exist after you’ve agreed they do more than once. LoL Ok guys it’s been fun 😂
  11. So an R by his name will do the trick. And liberals can actually vote and choose who has that R by his name. Lol sounds legit to me
  12. So Trump actually just may be a Democratic President who came out the Republican primary 😆
  13. I said Biden’s statement was offensive and not racist. I see you don’t pay attention. You just talk with no understanding. And as far as the Alt Right I think LumRaiderFan just proved they exist if your paying attention
  14. So any citizen can vote in the Republican primary?
  15. So who are the constituents and how do they decide the Republican candidate if they’re not part of the Republican Party?
  16. Hurt feelings? Is that just a talking point your programmed to say because I haven’t expressed any type of hurt feelings.
  17. You and myrecord definitely didn’t say the same thing. How can y’all be saying two totally different things and be in agreement?
  18. That was an offensive statement but not really a racist statement. I fear nothing but God but if anything made me fearful of racism it would be Trump and his alt right following. Biden is just an idiot who won’t get my vote. Not a racist
  19. Yea y’all made a good point by giving me 5 different explanations
  20. He began his career around the mid 70s or 80s. That’s modern. He had nothing to do with what went on in the 1800s and early 1900s
  21. Hey LumbertonRaiderfan, I don’t know nothing. I’m just going by what people on this board are saying. But like you say I should probably research myself because it’s like the blind leading the blind on here
  22. Let’s not talk in circles. Did republicans vote for Trump as presidential candidate or was it outsiders?
  23. So the constituents aren’t part of the Republican Party? They allow outsiders to choose their candidate?
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