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Everything posted by Hooohead.com

  1. Rest easy 9! To the Jones Family you have my condolences πŸ™πŸ’”πŸ˜’
  2. UH has a great team camp
  3. If David Green at United is'nt Coach of the year than somebody is smoking the Wacky Pack. Regardless of the talent he had everyone could'nt have done it.
  4. Do they not recognize a MVP anymore?
  5. How can the 1st team come out but not the rest. I know theres some kids who want to know if there on this list...πŸ€
  6. Enjoy your next venture....Thanks for allowing us to vent from time to time with a Ref...πŸ˜‰
  7. Anyteam that pays there money...i do know this year its the same weekend as the (N.B.P.A) National Basketball Players Association Top 100 camp which is invite only for Srs. down in Orlando Florida and would'nt surprise me if Yates is there. Also the Highschool Coaches can Coach there teams this year in the TABC event.
  8. Yates said yesterday at the arrival back to United hes coming back and going for 3 on camara so either hes telling the people one thing and contemplating doing another. The question is why would he leave?
  9. This game will comedown to rebounds and Boxouts and 50/50 balls...
  10. This game will be played Tuesday at 7pm @East Chambers Highschool
  11. The red 🚩if they had payed attention to is when his wife refused job in B.I.S.D and relocated herself and kids to Silsbee I.S.D...Happy Wife is Happy Life....
  12. 31-15...hj...6+ minutes left in 2nd quarter
  13. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿...brought enough to Share...🀣🀣🀣
  14. Being that BU Starters all played on the EYBL curcuit this past summer up until to date is it safe to Say they have all played over 100 games in 9 months along with numerous practices, trainings and camps...Coming in Lite sometimes could be what this group needs to make this last push...Only time will tell.
  15. No Yates i would zone to...the rest of the team would have to show me you can shoot me out the zone
  16. Everyones a threat when dealing with 15-18yr old kids
  17. Worst cause by then i assume United will be healthy and at full strength...Mickles is out also which brings in another defender and Arceneaux is a challenge they dont have an answer for.
  18. One deciding factor could be Miller and Harris both played with McDermot this past summer so they know what type of player he is as well as he knows what type of players they are. Now let the Church say Amen.
  19. The harder you work on your craft and play the game the right way you have these moments more often then others. These shots are never luck and earned before the game ever tips off. As they say..."Hardwork Pays Off"
  20. I would normally say Silsbee by 30 but on the road subtract 10 and its gonna get chippy so i say Silsbee by 17....87-70...
  21. Didnt know what either had but seems equal talent compared to yesteryears
  22. Oh wow....i said 106-58...i guess they were upset from the celebration lastyear on there court at the end of the game
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