Hang in there BHFAN. It's all good They WON, We LOST, It STINKS. At least we finally got to watch some High School football. No doubt we had more fans at this one and they will next year at there house. They had more points and it is what it is. They also had nicer band uniforms. Are ours still on lay-a-way or something?
it sucks that we lost, but the past is the past and we cannot change that, all we can do is look the future and get better.
and no our uniforms are not on lay-a-way. we asked Dr. Poole if we could wear our band shirt and jeans, with our band shoes since it was so hot. you try wearing a 100% polyester uniform, gloves and a band hat with like 2 other layers of clothing. but i can assure you that we will be wearing our uniforms at Lumberton just to make you happy. but the bh band won halftime, i couldn't tell you how many people on png's band were out of step, in the little marching they did, there were so many. and on the field you could barely hear their band they needed to play out more, likes us. but i am not saying we didn't have our problems, i pretty sure a few freshman missed their spots a few times.