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  1. i like this one...i peed laughing
  2. yea "maby"...and if number 12 didnt give cody open shots he would average about 2 pts instead of his 30...theres many ways to look at it...if young kept the ball every time and shot 50 % he would lead the team in scoring...but i "wud" say that #12 is a HUGE part of codys scoring...he cant shoot well and knows it...but he does his job, which is to get cody open...brandon keep dishin and cody keep knockin em down!!!...the win is much more important than stats...if last years team thought that way they would have gone alot further :-\...and this is my last post on this thread...GO WARRIORS!!!
  3. matt who???....are u supposed to be someone important...cuz if you knew anything about literacy you would know you look like an idiot on here...if both teams "wud" face off right now your oversized ego would get beatin beyond recognition...last years team is all out of shape and couldnt play 4 full quarters...ill give you the respect you deserve...but this thread is leaving out what this years team has that last years didnt....A CHANCE....last years team was a HUGE DISSAPOINTMENT...where as this years team has done WAY BETTER than expected...so i "wud" say we already won...and BTW...the only joke is ur false sense of skill
  4. no way evadale beats buna
  5. last years team was great and i might pick them over this years team ...BUT...other than mcbee(and a little nash)...last year had no athleticism AT ALL...this years team is way faster and way more athletic at EVERY position...they probly averaged a 5 sec 40 and a 15 inch vertical, where as this years team hits around 4.6(would be better if cody wasnt so slow) and 28 inches....last years team had hieght and shooting...this years team has speed, defense, and a desire to win....and in all honesty....idk if last year can break this years press....and they wouldnt dare try and press this years team....just my opinion though ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. yes the game is in kountze...good luck warriors!
  7. good luck kountze!
  8. no...she is not
  9. yes...you as a coach should be used to this kind of drama and should know how to avoid it...and it also seems that your "reliable source" is twisting things in her favor...you ,as a coach, should know that both sides if a story should be heard before forming an opinion...
  10. im from warren lady...you dont have to tell me there are more important things than winning...your preachin to the choir on that subject...and i was at the practice...and i dont see how you think she had better things to do ???...she was at the practice and was then told to leave...so unless you were there you should stop posting on the subject seeing as you heard only one side of the story(most likely from coach basinger)...
  11. i think if warren had there starters healthy this game would be alot closer than everyone thinks...
  12. i as a fan was very let down at the kountze game...i think the only people not let down were the parents of some of the other girls...the student section warren brings with them expects a win...they also understand rules...but they dint understand how rules can come into effect on gameday...the remarks about people not knowing what is going on is very wrong...its warren Texas...everyone knows whats going on...when a coach points out a player after a game and calls her out for not wanting to win is unacceptable...especially after hearing the coach say before that she would rather lose to have it easier in the playoffs...i mean talk about throwing a game...lets put a new rule into effect saying a player cant do makeup running on gameday(when its been done multiple times before)...and not let her play...then lose to have it easier in the playoffs???...i dint guess anyone noticed that out of the three times warren has played kountzes we lost twice(WITHOUT #6) and won once (WITH #6)!!!!!!....i guess this all just a coincidence though right?...warren sports are to a point were we dint care about winning...as long as your point is proven?...what exactly was the point???...that if you leave ur shoes in your locker you cant play the next day???...and if the coach told the player to leave practice, why would you penalize her for missing practice ??? ??????...the whole thing is absolutely ludicrous...
  13. what do yall think???
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