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  1. Did Lumberton white ever play Lumberton red? i know their offense and it can and will be stopped!! Their misdirection is kinda fun to watch but the ChaingangDefense is fun to watch too!! I promise you if they continue to run #20 all day he will have a migraine when this game is over but I guess we will see if trick plays and onside kicks in the 4th quarter will win this one I don't see it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS11
  2. There is a saying that there is no such thing as a dumb question, well I think that statement has been disproven!
  3. I love this game, both teams play really hard year after year but nothing was better than when Earl Thomas ran the kickoff return back after OrangeField had the FFA parachuters come in and smoke up the city. It was a beautiful site to see, and funny as hell because you saw both teams disappear into a cloud of smoke but only one lone MUSTANG appeared for a touchdown. It was classic. ;D ;D
  4. I cant wait for tomorrow night! ;D ;D ;D I hope IKE gets outta here and lets me enjoy a weekend at home with my family. Probably not gonna happen!
  5. They may have only played us twice, but they have been dominated both times. We will make them wish IKE came thru here. The stangs are going to tear em up and send em home distraught and broken just like before so get ready cuz the stangs are comin baby hahahaha!
  6. Sorry but that is not a true statement! I am a former player and now a fan, and if my memory serves me well the very first time that we played them the score was 12-6 I believe it was the 96' season! Once again though I hope we stomp KVILLE in the ground so they can shut up and quit this fake we are your rivals thing NOT!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Here is a great idea why don't we send the K-ville folks the game film from the last 2 years so the can be reminded of what happened before, I believe that they received the same punishment that you also get after bringing home a report card full of bad grades, an a-- whooping!!! HAHAHAHHAHA! I cant wait for Ike to go find Tina and roll on a river somewhere else so we can end this thread and then start a new one saying " Kirbyville, the vacuum cleaner city because they suck " ha :o :ohahahhaaaahahahaha
  8. Since the very first meeting of these two teams, this questions has arised with many different reolies given. Every year someone says K-VILLE will win and that they are so good but then those Mustang boys show up and decimate the wildcats. So here we are again another wildcat, MUSTANG matchup and I pick the MUSTANGS to pull this one out once again, maybe after this season and another 42-7 beating you folks will realize that this game is not a rivalry just another pre-district tune up. 8) 8)
  9. That was probably the best reply that I have ever seen posted by someone who is not from WOS! I guess it just goes to show that we can all get along! ;D
  10. Cant wait to see what these two have to say, I just wish that I could have been in there for the initial discussion I can guarantee that Coach Hooks face was as red as a fireball! This was truly the best outcome, I think that this would have ruined the future matchups to come if there would have been any at all!
  11. He is a beast on the football field, but he is also a very nice and well mannered kid. I cant wait for Saturday night! ;D
  12. This great news has just made my day, now I can stop writing Moody sucks on the bathroom stall at work hahahahahaha!
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