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About Godzilla

  • Birthday 11/03/1954

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    Destroying buildings. Destroying cities. Destroying other monsters. Mainly destroying stuff

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  1. EC easily
  2. If they win, Kirbyville will surprise everybody
  3. Not from there, but the best food in town is Faustos. Nothing bad there
  4. HF by a couple unless Lumberton gets it together. Know someone who was at the last scrimmage. 0-0 in the scripted, 2-2 in the live half. Either Buna is way better than last year, or Lumberton isn't firing on all cylinders yet.
  5. I dunno, heard the new guys at West Hardin got 3 or 4 girls playing. Might give them an edge.
  6. Something Hendricks I think. A little birdie told me that he has only been there one day since getting hired, 3 weeks ago...
  7. Wait let me get this straight. The first year coach out of Evadale, who missed the playoffs, is going to be the new Head at H.J.??? Evadale hasn't missed the playoffs since the 90's, he can't get the job done, and he gets HJ?!? And he'll be on year 2 as a coach?!? Insane
  8. LMBO!!! I'm 100% certain I never said I was. You must be a board member What do you think opinions are??? 😂😂😂 You're right, I'm done messing with him. Apparently he'll argue with anyone, for any reason.
  9. Let be honest, if you really back these decisions 100% you're probably part of the problem in that community. This move in the middle of a season should be a BIG cause for concern, not applause.
  10. Man you haven't proven anyone wrong 😂. 100% 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Bout the worst thing you could do to a team is to change like this mid-season. Maybe what this guy was doing was that bad, but unless it was really heinous this move could've waited till the end of the season
  12. Whatever man stay salty lol, sounds like you're up that new superintendent's butt or maybe up T Hawk's now that he's in charge. Just think it's funny how certain you are about me from a 5 word post because I disagreed with what you said. Makes sense
  13. Man you're salty for no reason. But hey, since you know 100% who I am and who I know why don't you post my name and how I don't know anyone on the Buna staff
  14. Rather bold of you to assume that
  15. Sure.... Cause that makes sense
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