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Everything posted by bone

  1. Heck lets play
  2. Not in the last 6 seasons they haven't!!!!! ;D might be the year jmo
  3. i agree.. i dont want you HJ fans to be using that as an excuse for losing!!! ;D ;D ;D YEP WE WOULD NOT WANT TOO LOSE ANY FUMBLES
  4. You will see, they have grown. Do we need to check you guys for performance enhancing drugs? No, but you might want to check out the Tiger stretching exercises. I'm thinking maybe some birth certificates would be in order..... They're probably legal but listed as grade exceptions. It's a common thing in athletics to have grade exceptions dominating the younger players who are in their correct grades.
  5. WHen you click on this thread you already know who the GREATEST IS
  6. Heck did'nt you know all the best B-Ball players are still playing FOOTBALL. HELL YEA!!!
  7. well then seven schools reside in Alaska until November
  8. Let's just say he is at the top of the heap. You decide what that heap is. It smells bad
  9. not free but not much for quality b-ball either
  10. Just in case you missed it TOUPS
  11. they will make a run. I bet alot of teams wish they had Newtons problem on who would start for them.
  12. Hey let the big dog eat 8)
  13. Cleveland still beat you by 22 right?.....Just checking I really do wish the Panthers would have won this game. This sounds like loser talk but, I cant wait to see how many points Cleveland averages against the rest of the district.. probablly alot but hey who knows until they actually play the games jmo
  14. man you need more research and less beaumont suprise
  15. yeah me too. more info please
  16. You are correct.....Muleshoe prove that last year. they were ranked last year
  17. not true at all. but it helps your chances. I'll give you that
  18. Hawks soar drop a load of ....... points on Cardinals 8)
  19. Heck Lazeek H-J dose'nt even know where the new gym is at we're playing all of our games in Nome getting ready for the year 2013 ;D
  20. heck h-j little dribblers have been winning on the varsity level for years
  21. Just got the word. the one with the most points at the end of the fourth quarter WINS!!!!!
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