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Everything posted by kjj

  1. I hope not. I have much respect for every athletic program in the area. I don't always agree with decisions made but that is why I am not a coach. Bashing programs and coaches on forums our kids read is certainly not the way to improve things the kids experience or the program. Maybe I misunderstood his post and intentions. I sure hope so. Good luck everyone tonight.
  2. Yes so much respect, as it reflects in your original post and again in this one! Exactly what did your original post mean then if it was not being disrespectful to your Orange County neighbors? I will be happy to LISTEN and let you explain since you have such intimate knowledge of our athletic program.
  3. towards what? Def not being a drummer boy.....OF has legit athletes. Ask your power lifting coaches. Our kids work hard during season and in off season. We have some strong kids. They are working to improve the program for OF. Its a shame we didn't stay in 3A where we clearly belong, but at least they are not scared to show up and play. The trashing OF is ridiculous.
  4. OF may surprise you.
  5. trying to make sure someone passed for the six weeks?
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