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  1. Just wondering how does a 2-4 Silsbee get ranked so high?
  2. Although i may not be a die hard fan of high school football, we need to remember these are young kids. They use high school football as a building block to establish themselves a men of a very competitive sport. Emotions will and can happen to anyone on any given day. Instead of beating this young boy down lets encourage him in rebounding from a hard lesson learned. We should focus on how he reacts to his behavior on this given night. I'm sure he will be remorseful and vindicate himself as a well mannered young man. On that note we need to realize this kid does not put himself on a pedestal. The fact is YOU the fans blow these kids up, therefore setting them up for failure.
  3. Looked like a classic school yard beat down !!
  4. I'm just getting on the highschool football band wagon!!! And i'm from cleveland, so that in mind how good is rockdale and who have they beat??
  5. 42-12 CLEVELAND UP
  7. Hell they should just play 7 on 7 cause thats the only hope they have in doing anything productive!!!!
  8. The problem may be that all the fans and coaches think thier team is gold. Instead of focusing on getting better they make up excuses on why they fumble and lose the games. Take it back to the BASICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Shoot those liberty fans sure were blowing smoke out their butts!! lol
  11. Well i'm giving this game to HUFFMAN. They played my INDIANS well, they did have some errors that could have givin them the win, but cleveland also made mistakes. Plus i think the team did'nt pay them much mind. As for liberty winning, i think not. The team has heart, but lacks that chemistry! Cleveland dominated them and had their way. Now i can see LIBERTY pulling an upset, but i feel like they need tp]o go back to the basics!! My opinion is based on the game i saw against my INDIANS!!! Good luck both teams!!!
  12. YEah i think you need to stay @ home and take care of FRED!! Hardin needs this win, to quiet down th nay-sayers. Hardin by 13
  13. Well i just hope cleveland doesn't take the PIRATES lightly! We need to play every game like it's a playoff game. Teams tend to ease off when playing a team that is not doing so well. Happens in all sports, for example my Giants losing to the crap a** browns!!!
  14. Well everyone brings goodpoints to the table, although i have not seen coldsprings play, alot of their players(so i hear) are saying their in for a dogfight!!! I hope the game is clean between them and both teams give it their all. I see the Indians winning this one by 3. IM BEING OPTIMISTIC ON THIS ONE. LOL
  15. I think this team is for real this year!!! It's been awhile, but finally we are back on top. I just hope we can continue to do wok and put oursleves in a situation to go deep into the playoffs. Now saying we will win it all is a bit much, but i feel we can accomplish great things with this team!!!
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