Ok first off I can see where all these rumors are coming from now and why my son was denied. This absolutely disgusting what I'm reading. For the record my son was purely denied based on transfering for athletic purposes even though letters from myself, my wife, my wife, and his previous schools administrators stating why he left. My son is a 4.0 gpa honor society student who wanted to leave Tekoa because it is a STEM school and he wasn't interested in those fields of study like my other two children who also attended there, my oldest graduating with a scholarship from Motiva to attend Lamar. Jailan did not want to go to school for STEM and that is all Tekoa Academy offers. We do not have the same processes of other high schools as the schedules and curriculum is preset and students do not get to choose their classes or career paths. Jailan wanted to go where he had access to a guidance counselor that would introduce him to other academic options as like I said he's a true honor student! He wanted to be a high school that has school dances, home coming, and prom. He wanted the normal high school experience that my oldest son didnt care for. All this was presented to the DEC along with family history as my both my sons attend HF elementary and my wife and I worked for the transportation department. HF has graduated 3 of my nephews and a niece as recently as last year and currently has my great niece and nephew at the high school and their siblings at the middle school! My oldest son is the one of only two grandchild to NOT GRADUATE FROM HAMPSHIRE FANNETT as my other nephew graduated from George Ranch in Katy. We have live in Cheeks for 14 years, my family owns 5 acres out there that we all live on!!! Stop with the BS rumors and false narratives about my family and son. Huffman, Splendora, Livingston, and Shepherd all voted against my son HJ and Liberty voted in favor of him. It was a collaborate effort between these schools administrators I know it as we had all the proof and they ONLY HAD RUMORS. The papf nor our residency was questioned. I was simply asked about a dang FB post between and another parent about basketball and being asked where my son was going. That was Huffman's proof and was asked about my son playing on an AAU team that he's been on since 7th grade and trains out of HJ! This summer for the first time a HF player was on the team and I was questioned about that one player. Not that 6 players were from HJ and that they practice at HJ facilities or that Clay Davis Jr plays on that team. My son knows Clay Davis and the HJ staff and players just as if he played there. But we had already filed our paperwork for him to attend HF early summer so who he played with in July shouldnt have matter because he was already going to HF. I had made the decision for him to attend HF prior to his sophmore year, didnt move him last year because of his advance math class that I wanted him to take from my colleague and mentor at Tekoa. I am an educator first always! I teach math as well as my wife who teaches in BISD. We hold out children to a high academic standard as all 3 hold a 3.8 gpa or higher. Currently my daughter is a freshman at Tekoa and a freshman at Lamar State College taking 3 classes. Yeah my kids nice like that! So all this bull crap about basketball and athletics needs to stop now! My son works his butt off both in the classroom and on the court to be the best he can be. The notion that he is just some basketball athlete trying to get over or by is insulting to me and my family! We are definitely appealing this decision purely on the principle that I, my wife, my son, and my administration at Tekoa were flat out called liars and dishonest! They also called Dr. Augustine a liar who did a complete background search on my family and went by our home in Cheeks. We had all the documentation and presented it. They call us liars to our face! This will not go away or stand! I refuse to have my family called fraudulent and liars. The administration at Tekoa Academy are extremely upset that they were called liars! So for the little spies and agents that these coward schools have in these forums, RUN TELL THAT! Yes your district "leaders" ignored documents and facts and instead went along with rumors and "heard through the grapevine" news. And yes these people actually used that terminology when asking me questions. They "heard through the grapevine" so their entire case was based on rumors and we had facts!!!! I'm assuming this little forum is part of their "grapevine" as I'm reading some of the same crap that was presented to me.
Once again we are from Cheeks, I work at Tekoa Academy, my children attend Tekoa, my son wanted to go to HF to look at other programs so my wife and I let him period!! They are attempting to rob my son of his junior year of varsity basketball behind personal feelings and stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with my son. My son has nothing to do with the other players there from last year or how they got there. HF is his home school, its were his family has recently been graduating from and where his cousins are currently at!
Now once again GO RUN TELL THAT!!!!!