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Everything posted by bedelmon
Mytwocents, does your nose bleed every 28 days? You could stuff that tampon up your nose to stop the bleeding...
Lazeek! Robert! I didnt realize you had never stepped foot on a football field... That changes every post you ever posted on a football thread. Martel is a great guy? Thats why you get on here and insult your own community? Good ol boy system at work... Basketball only, im sure you like that. Your the problem!!!! I bet you voted no to the bond issue that would have gave our baseball and softball kids a home field. Bout right...
Gracias amigo, I still want to take that bet!!!
Farmer, Farmer, Farmer. Stop twisting! Im sure your nipps are pretty raw right now. Plenty of talent at HJ.......
Mytwocents, cmon dude, you should change your name to muffintop..
Obviously we are a smaller community than those you mentioned. I mean we have plenty of folks here that care about the program, they just dont have the time to spend their entire day on this forum answering these childish questions
Obviously, some here want to change that mentality.
When you guys start using your real names like i do, then you can make those childish accusations. Your on my friend. There are alot of HJ folks that love this program and are very excited about the changes coming. They dont get on here because we are a blue collarcommunity and we dont have all day to get on her like you do.
Dude, Fran, really? Talent? So the Cowboys right now dont have any talent? Eagles? No talent?
Well hello Farmer Fran... Finally pissed off some of the HJ players did ya? We we have plenty of talent. Your friend that used to be our AD /coach didnt judge talent very well. Did you see Dylan Mays on the court last night? You guys said on the last thread thzt our only athletes were basketball players in which Dylan did play football..... On the JV!!!! No judge of talent. Who ever gets this job will prove it against every team in the district... We may not win every game, but we will go to the playoff the next 2 or 3 years for sure... Then you can get on here next year with your jergins coated fingers and gripe about your coach because you wont beat HJ for the next 2 years podna!
Really, a piece of work because i refuse to believe our kids are the reason Martel couldnt win. Lazeek, you should be ashamed to believe that. Hope you guys enjoyed my post. Usedtobe, not even going to acknowledge you. Fran, l love you man. Ok, take care guys.
You are absolutely right. But how can you make them great without an off season training program in place?
How old are you guys? I dont want the job, nor did I say David Martel was not a good AD, my post tell the story, dont listen to parents, dont play favorites, let your assistants assist, and by all means go in at halftime andmake adjustments...
Just got on the Old Coaches Website and was able to register to post on the forum. You are probably the one posting that crap under Rookiesomething or whatever. If I can register to post on there anyone can. You make it sound like only coaches or ex coaches can post on there. That means nothing accept haters can get on there and try to steer good coaches from wanting a job at a certain school. All I did as get on here and take up for the kids and let anyone know who is interrested in that job that there are good kids there and people that really do care about the program... That person registered today and his first post was about HJ parents. The same guy that reported me to the moderator yesterday... You... Go sell that crap to someone who will buy it...
Fran!!!!!!!! You nailed it!!!!!! Only problem is when little johnny's parents call, Litte Johnny is getting to play even though there are better kids on the sidelines!!!!!!!! I want the same thing, tell those parents to go to hell!!!! Put your best 11 on the field, not your best 11 buddies kids!!!!!!!! Read my post dude, Im not gripping about my kids playing time. I told mine be the best and they cant deny you. There are 4 to 5 kids that stay after school in the weight room religously, two of them are mine. Is that what you call an off season program? I love talking to you Fran because you prove every pont I try to make. This is absolutely awesome!!!!!! Tell me something else...
Not really, we didnt have the athlete's or the brains to even get into the playoffs so they said... Our line averaged 185 lbs. Kids couldnt pass. Good thing ol Shaver and Vanover didnt give up on us, take the easy road and say "awww why try, we aint got the athletes West Orange has"...
m thinking somebody neds to ta an English class there Breathes and "what classes have you took"? I believe its taken...
Hahhahaahaha. School of hard knocks brother. My high school years were played under Steve Shaver and Finis Vanover at French High School. I was a starter on the 1984 State Championship team. They didnt care who you were, where you came from or who your daddy was. You either performed, or you didnt play. Thats all Im asking for. My kids play other sports and the only coach I have ever had a problem with is the one that blames his problems on the kids. This thread is the problem. Coaches looking on here and even HJ people are saying we dont have football talent. My argument is your wrong. We have plenty of talent. Plenty of kids that want to play. Ill bet that this next summer we have more boys than ever report to two-a-days just because they now think they will get a fair shot... The only thing our boys have learned on a football field is how to accept defeat... I hope guys like Coach Sutherlands brother out at EC puts in for this job, or Lance Dale. Guys that have taken a broken program and made a difference. Thats what we need. A good coach that wants to win more than make everyne happy. See this is what your accusing me of. Your all wrong. I dont agree with playing favorites, hometown boys sons and relatives. I believe the best 11 should be on the field. Thats wrong of me? Cant wait for your response...
Really, one class? Your standing behind one class? I'm sorry, I should have known there would be one class that separates a person played into college and did not take that one class from someone with the same experience but not the class "coaching philosophies of football"... Yea....... Thats funny right there.
Jumbo package is the term HJ uses when running a power eye because they put a kid in at the powerback to block. Silsbee did throw on us more than anyone but one of the two td's was a screen and not a long pass. With the personel we had in place, we could not handle the run so every team ran right up the gut. I would not have used 4 linebackers and 2 safetys. I would have put my toughest 2 agressive kids at linebacker and added a nose and Martel would have been a rover in the box. Then, I would have my team ready to spread out in case someone lined up in a shotgun or spread. Rover, 2 corners and a safety. Dude, its football, not rocket science...
You guys are soooooooo smart. Get a degree and coach? Last time I checked there were no such classes as "Football 101" on any college campus. When I say Basketball mentality I'm referring to the fact that if our basketball program was in the same shape as our football program, we would be making changes, but since its football, and we all know most HJ Alum only care about basketball, its all ok, Martel is a good role model, we just dont have enough kids interrested in football, blah, blah, blah...
I dont know that we have more talent than any of them but I do know we run a Spread offense that you have to be able run as well as pass and is more designed for kids with speed. We are not going to out run WOS or Silsbee. When we played WOS this year, we practiced what is called a "jumbo" package all the week before the game. Most all of each practice that week was working on this offense. We didnt use it until the last 4 minutes of the 4th quarter. We moved the ball 60 yards in about 4 plays. Our fullbacks were blowing WOS's smaller defensive line 5 to 6 yards off the ball. We wasted a whole week working on something that we didnt even use untill it was too late. On that same drive where we moved the ball easily down the field we decided to pull the jumbo package off the field and go back to our same old same ol and the next play threw an int in te endzone that went back for 100+. And the fullback that was opening the holes on that drive never saw the backfield again. We have the personell to run a power offense and should have 8 in the box on defense. Not one team beat us passing, they ran it down our throats. Inside the tackles. How does HJ combat that? We add another linebacker to guarantee that the opposing team can still hit a gap and get 5 or 6 each play. I pray we get a coach in here that has something to prove and has some football savy. Look at Orangefield, they have the same type of athletes we do and they are competitive every year because they know what the have and they utilize it. Thats all we need to do, evaluate our talent level and utilize what we do have. We dont have the speed to run a spread offense, we do have the kids to run a power and mis-direction offense. Defensively we need to change out some positions and get some kids off the bench. All you have to do is watch a little film. The problems stick out like a sore thumb...
Ok, I see the issue here.... Lazeek your one of those HJ folks that doesnt want any outsiders coming in. No I did not got to HJ high school nor did my wife. I did not know Coach Martel before he became the AD. For the record, I think Martel is a great AD and track coach. He has been nothing but fair to my boys. There has been some serious issues take place within this football program over the last 3 or 4 seasons. Issues that in my opinion, he could have nipped in the bud and been done with but he didnt. Negativity in the stands, in the locker room, in the hallways and on the practice field and it slithered through like a snake. How do you kill a snake? You cut the head off. Football is a tough sport and having people not happy with a loosing program goes with the territory of being an AD/FB coach. Go back and read my post, what have I really said? Our football program has been the laughing stock in South East Texas for long enough. Excuse me for not agreeing with the basketball mentality. Im not the dad that stands behind the locker room yelling at the coaches, I set an appointment with him and sat down for over an hour voicing my concerns and listening to his answers and philosophy. I know what I asked him and I know what his answers were. The problems with our football program do not stem from the kids. I havent bashed anyone, just questioned their ability to judge football talent. If Silsbee or WOS's football program was in the sme position as ours, your post would be different. Lazeek, I dont know who you are because i dont go to the basketball games and sounds like you dont go to the football games. I would love to sit down face to face and have a conversation with you though. We have a thriving basketball program, we took measures and turned our baseball program around, great golf and soccer program, even track and your gonna tell me we dont have the athletes to at least compete on a football field? For three straight years? I will never agree with that. If I have to come on here an eat crow next season, i will but I dont think our program could get any worse than it was the last three years.... We do have some good assistants that i hope get to keep their jobs. Fogo is top notch in my book. He gets in my boys ass's and they respect him for it. I thought that was the goal of being a football coach. Being able to get a kid to go to battle for you at all cost. Martel will probably do great at Hastings because he didnt graduate with half of the student's parents like Lazeek...