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Everything posted by Greezy

  1. Probably banned for life for saying bad words.
  2. I'm listening and greatly appreciate the broadcast.
  3. Keep us updated if you can kind sir.
  4. Thanks. I still think Colmesneil makes it in. Good coach over there. They just walked into a buzzsaw Saturday. Our kids are finally getting focused.
  5. It got ugly. 49-0 Tenaha at the half. 55-8 final.
  6. Tenaha homecoming. Lots of distractions for my Tigers. Will be a good game till after the half. Praying for safe travels and please no injuries for either team.
  7. I think they make the playoffs. Possibly win first round but second round will be Chilton.
  8. Once again the CDC moves the goalposts but expects us to trust them.
  9. Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) Tweeted: COVID vaccines are not as effective at preventing hospitalizations as first thought CDC admits [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. Tenaha at Arp.
  11. Buddy the score doesn't even reflect how bad it was.
  12. Many such cases, sad.
  13. They play each other again apparently. Do better next time.
  14. Tenaha over Honey Grove 35-0
  15. Basically started this looking for help finding curvey crooked roads down in yall neck of the woods. Any suggestions? Where would you go drive a sports car? Tight turns maybe some hills or some scenery.
  16. Yep. Because even at 500 a pound that equals $7k. More to the actual story.
  17. Good. Accelerate the anarchy
  18. Never get high on your own supply
  19. Made the ride up to the pig trail today. Staying in eureka springs. Everything is closed down. Tourist town but a lot of the good restaurants are closed.
  20. 14 pounds seems a tad bit....excessive. I'm definitely not anti THC, in fact I'm all for responsible private use and I own a home in Colorado. But dang smokey....14 pounds? Wtf.
  21. Replication crisis. That's what has made me question the "science".
  22. Now that you mentioned it I heard yours was gonna be outta work when onlyfans shuts down.
  23. Ps I can't keep a dirt bike upright to save my life but I'm fast AF around a road race course.
  24. I personally know far more people that died in cars and trucks than on motorcycles. That being said I don't know many people that own motorcycles.
  25. They made the Taliban great again. 208 aircraft
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