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Everything posted by CowbellCoog

  1. Let's go coogs! Pregame at BWW!
  2. Send-off from Cougar Stadium @ 10:00 Bring your cowbells!
  3. Prayers from Cougar Nation
  4. Merry Christmas ladies and Gents!
  5. Now that is comical!!! In all honesty if Crosby and Nederland lined up right now I don't think I could pick between the two, they are both playing great football
  6. Come on Saturday i need me come Cougar Football!!!
  7. Just posted ticket info
  8. No, online only
  9. It was confirmed for 2:00 p.m. on CISD website
  10. Underdog for the win! Go Hightower!
  11. Your correct. I was there and they were 100% capable of keeping that game closer. Had it not been for our defense making key plays and offense putting points on the board it could have been a different story. Crosby has yet to peak in my opinion and I believe we will really rattle some feathers Saturday @ Woodforest Bank stadium!
  12. Crosby in a slobber knocker 37-21
  13. It would be epic and a 5A D2 instant Classic!
  14. I second this, the Buffaloes are focused on the wrong team. They just thought PNG was tough wait till they play them DOGS!
  15. I'm just a ol pipe welder, I can't afford those luxuries haha
  16. Yeah they did, it was slammed packed lo g before the game started. Pest part is the BWW right behind the stadium so pregame it is!
  17. Great game so far big Dogs! You have got to hit that PAT tho!
  18. Get ready to eat DOGS!
  19. Go Coogs!
  20. That would really put our district on notice!
  21. Hey boss, I would take advantage of there being a thread still up in rd2 with the mighty ant hills name on it and head back over to stirr the pot while you still can. All B.S. aside were all lucky to be playing at all TBH. So let's take it 1 game at a time, yall win this week and we will do out best to take care of business and who knows, maybe we will get yall that rematch! Go Coogs/Dogs/Crows.. uh I mean Eagles!!!
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