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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. This is local headlines, not snowflake political forum. You lost old man? Praying for you dingleberry
  2. Dinglebert, I gotta be honest man I stopped reading your triggered snowflake rants longgggg time ago lol Anyways.. will continue praying for you
  3. Who hurt you man? Did your wife leave you for a BLM activist or something? Praying for you
  4. I’m textbook definition of moderate - pick and choose the best of “both sides”, while having the pleasure of getting called names by both sides 🙃
  5. I’m okay on schools mandating masks. Not thrilled about it, but I understand. Rather they mandate masks than mandate a vaccine (personally hoping it doesn’t come to that)
  6. Oh, you think this thread actually had value to begin with. That’s funny
  7. Still having the left v right debate eh? Brainwashed sheep. You’ll never catch up at this point; you already lost
  8. Baddog is literally a traitor man lol.. dude has been in multiple topics defending the Jan 6th BS, and wished he was there himself (he couldn’t afford plane ticket, donated all his money to the border wall scam already)
  9. Meanwhile Dinglebert, Traitordog, Lum, and the rest of the trumper crowd here are still defending politicians because they’re on the “same team” 🤡 🤡
  10. @WOSdrummer99 - this is probably more up your alley
  11. Sorry this was mean. I forgot y’all don’t have jobs, hence all the free time in the world to be cry babies
  12. Do y’all ever get tired of crying every..single..day? It’s reaching the level of liberal tears during trumps presidency
  13. ITT - bunch of brainwashed sheep arguing over which ancient dinosaur politician to blame.
  14. Phew this guy is suffering from extreme BDS huh
  15. Y’all are the MAGAtards crying like babies every single day, not me. I love it here in America
  16. Questions that still need answers
  17. Why else would you guys be shaming and bashing me, for striving to prosper regardless of who is president? If you don’t like capitalist America, THEN LEAVE! Very simple. I’ll chip in for your one way ticket outta here just let me know
  18. So just to be clear - most of you wackos want us to stay there.. even longer?! Spend more money and get MORE Americans killed? Yikes
  19. Wow, the party of “JOBS JOBS JOBS” are slowly turning into SOCIALISTS now 🤣🤣 Thanks joebama!
  20. Oh bless your heart
  21. Exhibit A - Dumb rural hillbilly thinks Taliban and Muslim are the same thing lol
  22. ITT - fiscal conservatives wanting another 20 years, and trillions of dollars spent in the Middle East Y’all are liars, hypocrites, or morons. Most likely all 3
  23. Ahhhh yes there we go. The quiet part out loud. Not surprising coming from the literal traitor
  24. Look atcha.. poor hillbilly defending rich mans war, again. You guys will never, ever learn will you
  25. Capitalism 101 Dont hate the player hate the game. This is America . If you want a more even playing field then move to Europe with the socialists ✌️
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