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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. You trumper nut jobs are literally the reason why sleepy and creepy joe is president right now lol.. but carry on!
  2. Let’s keep it real.. trumpers are absolute SUCKERS and have got to be the most gullible (playing nice here) group of voters in US history at this point. They fall for this BS every single time somehow.. and even donate their money to the non stop fundraising grifts! Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois has said that most congressional Republicans do not actually believe Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him, but support those views in public anyway. "Save one or two maybe out here, nobody — and I think it's very important to repeat — nobody actually believes the election was stolen from Donald Trump but a lot of them are happy to go out and say it was," Kinzinger said. Normal people, what do you think of the above quote ? @CardinalBacker @tvc184 @bullets13 @Mr. Buddy Garrity @TxHoops I personally hope the GQP find a way “back to center” so I can vote for them in 2024.. but I’m not holding my breath anymore
  3. Quite the clickbait headline, unless I’m missing here.. Anyways - you’d think people would learn by now but apparently not.. guns, weed, tobacco, alcohol etc etc.. if people want it, they’re going to get it
  4. I’ve had multiple people accuse me of not criticizing Biden for being horrible, even though there are literally hundreds of topics already discussing it, so with that said I hereby declare that Biden sucks. Obviously.. please keep all posts about Biden bad in this megathread (unless you guys want another 300 topics on it, then go ahead)
  5. Update - trumptards still in denial lol RIP normal conservatives
  6. Checking in - how many of you low IQ voters donated your social security check to this BS?
  7. Wow, republitards have somehow devolved into having HDS now. Amazing
  8. Just two more weeks guys! And I mean it this time! 2 more weeks and Trump will be marching back into office! am I doing it right @CardinalBacker 😂
  9. Do you kooks ever stop and think.. “man why am I doing all this for FREE?!” Seriously. Most of you guys are broke hillbillies defending the establishment (Hilarious, btw). At least apply to the RNC or some pro-trump PAC so you can get paid for your 24/7 defending political parties online
  10. Wahhh wahhh wahhhhh 👶 🍼 since you guys hate this country so much , and are always crying, maybe.. you should leave!
  11. ITT - old white people mad that their parents, grandparents and/or ancestors were likely racist POS but it’s fine.. they worked with a black guy, or two, and their black friend loves Candace Owens
  12. wow the deep state got me!!! Ultra triggered rn. I can’t say “dumb af” but Baddog can say “DF”. But as we all know, like twitter and Facebook, owners/management can run it how they want to 😘
  13. Can you get a damn job already? Stop LEECHING
  14. It’s literally the first post dude..
  15. Hagar already posted this you moron, lol. It’s literally the first post
  16. #golfcartsalesmanlivesmattertoo
  17. careful now, you know these wackos lack critical thinking abilities
  18. Abbott is just trying to regain favor of the “trumper moron” crowd. This is 4D chess and you peanut brains obviously cannot keep up
  19. You freaking IDIOTS are still going on about this huh
  20. Spot on Trumpers are easily some of the dumbest people in this country, for sure. Whatever happened to normal conservatives?? #makeconservativesnormalagain
  21. LMAO This is literally the definition of triggered.. tell us you’re a trumper, without us you’re a trumper!
  22. Lol do you have a job, wife, or kids bro? Like how do you guys manage to watch Fox News all day everyday, for decades now
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