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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Get a job, tired of my tax dollars going to you welfare leeches
  2. Grifters gonna grift Im not sure whether to laugh at, or feel bad for these dimwits who fall for it every single time
  3. Oh the irony of being a trumper.. can’t make this up folks
  4. Interesting to see this here.. I’ve met Glenn a handful of times. Prob one of the smarter people to run for political office and I hope he wins
  5. ITT - trumpers mad cuz they keep falling for this BS every single time somehow. Bunch of big frickin idiots 🤣
  6. Tell me you’re a trumper, without telling me you’re a trumper
  7. @CardinalBacker What do you think man? Am I just being a hater, or are trumpers ( @Reagan @baddog , etc) seriously this dumb
  8. Trump university.. “lock her up”.. replace Obamacare.. build the wall.... and now... suing Facebook and Twitter.. LOL. Grifters gonna grift seriously - how are people still dumb enough to fall for this BS 😂🤣
  9. The trumpers have gotta be one of the dumbest voting groups of all time. Not even joking when I say all the trumpers I know, were literally bottom of the barrel academically back in grade school.. Their peanut brains STILL cannot comprehend that people voted against trump, not “for” Biden.
  10. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try.” - maddog mattis
  11. Oh look, the party of “free markets” trying to tell corporations how to run their own businesses.. Interesting.. 🤔🤔
  12. Reason #193848 we don’t need anymore Dumbass ancient dinosaurs running for office
  13. Anyone other than Abbott or Beto, please.. I’d be fine with a potato
  14. Wow trump will be president any day now guys! Stay tuned! the ultra bombshell is a mere 2 weeks away! (And they mean it this time)
  15. Anyone else see this clip of psycho Steve Ballmer? Every time they show him on the sidelines he’s doing some weird stuff 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ #hawksin6 [Hidden Content]
  16. Too bad Reagan would be considered a RINO in today’s era of conservative kooks. I’d vote for another Reagan all day every day. But the party has been hijacked by the crazies
  17. Dudes been a conman and grifter all his life.. his real estate investments did so bad his daddy had to bail him out
  18. Interesting to see such high praise for an establishment politician who lied to the American public to get us in unnecessary wars.. but to each his own
  19. Lmao you’ve been sitting around literally all day waiting for me to come back online ? Get a freaking job, or even a hobby dude 🤣🤣
  20. Show the evidence to the SCOTUS Then. OH WAIT! Lemme guess.. SCOTUS is full of RINOs or something like that
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