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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. @CardinalBacker @bullets13 @tvc184 What do you guys think? Grifters gonna grift.. and you’d think people learn by now, but apparently not. I’m not sure whether to laugh at the folk who donated to this, or be mad these grifters are taking advantage of the old, easily manipulated and/or tech illiterate baby boomers.
  2. and then the head guy in charge gets a presidential pardon, LOL! Hook, line and sinker. #refilltheswamp Last year, prosecutors filed fraud and money laundering conspiracy charges against Kolfage, Bannon and several others who allegedly took money from We Build The Wall, a group that raised over $25 million by vowing to pay for a wall on the southern border. Kolfage, a disabled Air Force veteran, now stands accused of failing to tell the IRS about the money he drew from We Build The Wall and other groups in 2019, netting additional charges of wire fraud and filing a false tax return, according to a press release from federal prosecutors. Bannon was given a pardon by President Donald Trump less than 12 hours before leaving office and was removed as a defendant from last year’s case, but Kolfage and the other We Build The Wall founders were not pardoned despite facing the same charges. [Hidden Content]
  3. Are you trolling or really this dumb? You think markets go up literally every single day? 😂😂
  4. Don’t get mad at me cuz you’re so stupid you lose money in a bull market, can’t help ya there pal
  5. I was making money, how bout you? 🤯🤯
  6. Golly gee shucks, and here I was listening to all my trumpanzee associates who said the economy would crash and the country would burn to hell if Biden won.. yet stock market keeps chugging along. interesting how that works
  7. If you agree that trump lost, then why are you in here brother? 🤪🤪
  8. Legalized theft, is what it is. Don’t question the cops, ever, especially if black. Move along folks
  9. Proof that wait staff only gets paid $2/hr? Go take your peanut brain to chili’s and ask them
  10. Check out this guys posts over in the political sub. He was sad he couldn’t make it to the Jan 6th insurrection in DC. Dude is literally a traitor lol
  11. Ouch! 🤣🤣 Alright kooks.. let’s hear it. Are the Michigan conservatives RINOs? Is the deep state really that much smarter than Trump? Is Trump magically being inserted as president again just 2 weeks away again (major eye roll) Please explain... [Hidden Content] Michigan’s Republican-controlled state Senate released a report on Wednesday concluded that there was “no evidence of widespread of systematic fraud” in the 2020 election. The report, released by the state Senate Oversight Committee, said that its “clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan.”
  12. The real issue.. that everyone is somehow missing (perhaps because race is involved and your brains turn to mush) is that these companies have successfully brainwashed the dumb American citizens to effectively subsidize their employee wages
  13. Lmao here come the kkkook traitors out in full force Why didn’t y’all go join the Jan 6th insurrection so your DA’s can get arrested too? Donated all your money to that sham build the wall campaign and couldn’t afford a plane ticket? 🤣
  14. Jesus Christ you really are dumb as hell Trump had a trillion dollar deficit.. BEFORE the pandemic. How is that conservative? like I said, big spending and deficits are fine when team R Is in office
  15. Let’s not forget Trump literally retweeting a video of his white supporters yelling “White power” to BLM protestors But it’s fine, because it was an accident. Whoops. Haha nothing to see here folks. [Hidden Content] In the tweet, Trump wrote: “Thank you to the great people of The Villages”, a retirement community in Florida he visited last year.
  16. GOP is playing 4D chess when it comes to finding new ways to make voting as hard and difficult as possible. Then they get on their media platforms and say “how is voter ID racist?!”, and then all the hillbillies just eat it up because they’re literally too stupid to see they’re being manipulated and lied to.
  17. Just like I said.. big spending and deficits don’t matter when team R is in office 😘
  18. Uh oh someone got triggered despite the trigger warning Lets start off with the trillion dollar deficits. But as we all know, big spending is fine when team R is in office, isn’t it 😘
  19. Trigger warning for the snowflakes still crying about the election 24/7
  20. I’ve said it multiple times and I’ll say it again. I think Trump, Biden and Hillary are the three worst presidential candidates this country has had in recent times. If you support any of those 3, then you’re probably a moron. I’ll give a “moron pass” to the upper middle class and wealthy people who vote Trump. thats where I stand on the political spectrum thank you for posting
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