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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Athletes should get paid based off the revenue they bring in, simple as that. All this equality BS is just.. BS.
  2. Religious people are some of the biggest hypocrites on this planet.. nothing new here
  3. I never even said anything about Democrats or Republicans you moron , it’s a rich vs poor construct
  4. It’s what rich people do. Per trump - “it makes him smart” meanwhile, the working class Americans are ultra mad at the even poorer folk who collect a staggering $250 food stamp card. Too stupid to realize they’re mad at the wrong people. I see it happen all the time.. on this message board, on the fb news feed, etc etc
  5. Gotta keep the poors and peanut brains fighting about politics, while the wealthy siphon off taxpayer dollars via corporate welfare and bailouts
  6. It’s gonna be ok brother.. 2024 is 3 years away, just be patient and keep donating your money to maga2024.com
  7. #1 exporter of FREEDOM baby!
  8. lol I saw a meme about that - I couldn’t tell if he was wearing a diaper, had a FUPA, or was wearing his pants backwards crazy world we live in
  9. Wow your DA is really trying to say the #1 watched news channel isn’t main stream media, carry on I guess 😭😭 Ignore viewership.. the DA said 🤯🤯
  10. #1 watched news channel sounds pretty main stream to me brother but you’re a complete DA so let’s hear you explain how it isn’t 😭
  11. I wonder at what point, if any, these absolute morons will catch on that the goalposts continuously gets moved
  12. I thought you kooks hated main stream media? I’ve seen quite a few Fox News links lately.. ya know, the #1 watched news channel. guess main stream media gud now!
  13. So tired of these mega corps acting like they give a damn about social justice when they’re riding the wave just For the profit.. and the stupid people fall for it every time
  14. Are you retarded? How is being anti-Biden and anti-Trump not a stance? You.. want me to pick a side? Lol. Spoken like a true SHEEP
  15. Oh.. you absolute suckers just buy the flags with another mans name on it for the decoration then, got it.. couldn’t be me brother..
  16. ... what? Now why in the hell would I get on here and defend a politician I hate? Makes zero sense.. well I guess to your literal peanut brain it does, idk
  17. Just like the GOPs healthcare plan.. it’s coming folks! Just stay tuned.. 2 weeks from now, and they mean it this time!
  18. lmao These guys are so dumb they believe everything they see on the internet.. you’d think they’d learn by now
  19. Why do poor people in rural towns worship the trust fund baby turned Hollywood celebrity 😂
  20. Are you retarded? I said voter suppression, not racist
  21. Interesting.. but y’all negative IQ peanut brains are too busy arguing dem vs. repubs 😴😴
  22. Amazing - the crowd incapable of next level thinking (due to peanut brains) telling other people to think for themselves requiring an ID to vote, by itself, is clearly not racist or whatever people want to call it. It’s what happens after that, ie closing DPS locations, closing polling stations, removing or limiting early voting periods, bogging down USPS, etc that is very obviously voter suppression.. but most of you guys are old boomer dinosaurs leeching off social security with all the free time in the world so it doesn’t affect you
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