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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. It’s been happening for years now.. everyone just ignored it because “fake news”
  2. ... what is left to debate? joe Biden is your president. Joe Biden B slapped trump, BIGLY. How did Trump get outsmarted by a dude with dementia? Lol unreal.. imagine worshipping a dude who got outsmarted by sleepy joe, couldn’t be me.. I’m praying for you
  3. lol y’all are really going to come in here crying every single day til 2024 huh
  4. In true traitor fashion bet you still wave that confederate traitor flag high and proud too
  5. Lol, I don’t consider you a kook, so that’s a plus 😘
  6. Wow the KKOOKS are still at it! bunch of crybabies 😂😂
  7. It’s a wildlife refuge.. what’s wrong with stopping drilling there? Your corporate overlords make a little less profit this year? poor man fighting rich man war lol, nothing new
  8. Curious to hear what the normal people think @tvc184@Law Man @bullets13 @CardinalBacker Kooks and cultists plz don’t derail another topic @Englebert @LumRaiderFan @Realville
  9. Last I heard, boomer McConnell was asking for “personal favors” to stop the investigation.. now why on earth would he do that? also, don’t forget to donate your hard earned money to trump2024. He needs to pay pay his lawyers
  10. EDITED BY ADMIN One more time.
  11. I went to a majority black school district, as a non-black person, all my life. I have literally hundreds of black friends. You guys simply don’t know what the hell you’re talking talking about. The vast majority of my classmates are working professionals who are now married, have kids, full-time jobs, etc.. where the hell are you rural town white folk getting the idea that the majority of black people are looking for handouts? Oh that’s right.. THE MEDIA. You guys loveeeeee blaming the media, but then all of a sudden believe the media when it supports your already established views.
  12. You don’t have to do anything. It was a suggestion. Moron
  13. You guys teach/coach any majority black middle school or high school sports teams? if so, you should send them a link to this topic and replies and see what they think
  14. It’s cool man.. these hillbilly boys know a whopping 1.5 black people in their town of 1000 (latest census) and are thus qualified to make such broad statements and generalizations.
  15. Yup! Stupid af
  16. Nice ASSumption! Quality SETX topic.
  17. Sounds like you’re just trying to make something political when it’s not.. Typical snowflake
  18. Well that’s a big yikes
  19. the KOOKS on this website refer to those decent conservatives as.. RINOs. So, not happening. The Republican Party has been hijacked #RIP
  20. Typical baddumbass topic.. what’s this have to do with politics again? Idiot kid got shot trying to carjack..
  21. These KOOKs will never.. ever.. admit they are wrong. You are a much more patient man than I am.
  22. Or maybe you just ask a billion questions and I got better things to do
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