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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. I thought main stream media was bad? Look like repubes love main stream media I’ve seen a few fox links recently
  2. Oh I bet you would
  3. ... oh, you think the Hollywood celebrity actually cared about you lol S H E E P
  4. Why do y’all wackos still worship this guy.. he’s literally a Hollywood celebrity lol, I thought y’all hated those people?
  5. Repubes seem to never have a problem with “putting Americans second”, when their savior is in office. Still waiting on that “repeal and replace Obamacare” plan.. anyyyyyy day now.
  6. Ok well keep it up bud you guys have another 4 years to go
  7. What you want me to do here man.. join you guys in the anti - Biden circlejerk? He sucks, yes we know. Everyone knows.. you guys gonna keep crying about it every day for the next 4 years? Probably lol
  8. How come one of you SETX political savants don’t run for office?
  9. Another “L” for the trumplican CULT.. imagine being stupid enough to believe this BS in the first place. 🤣🤣 In the court filing made public Monday night, Powell’s lawyers argued that Dominion’s defamation suit should be dropped because her claims were merely constitutionally protected expressions of political opinion, rather than declarations of fact. “Determining whether a statement is protected involves a two-step inquiry,” Powell’s lawyers wrote in the filing in Washington federal court. “Is the statement one which can be proved true or false? And would reasonable people conclude that the statement is one of fact, in light of its phrasing, context and the circumstances surrounding its publication.” “Analyzed under these factors ... no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact,” the lawyers argued. [Hidden Content]
  10. How much did you pay in taxes last year? I bet not enough to justify talking down on public servants
  11. Jobs and (relatively) lower COL.. I get it, if I was them. But as a born and raised Texan, this pisses me off for a number of reasons including - * Property values (and thus taxes) are going through the roof. * Traffic is absolutely insane in the metros * Feels as if texas is becoming less diverse * they destroy any sense of a city’s culture, and instead replace local mom and pops with new shiny national brand retailers or restaurant chains * they are generally extremely liberal and vote accordingly What do you guys think? I know you all have a hard on for JOBS JOBS JOBS, but as texas residents (assuming), is it worth it?
  12. Wow I must be in bizarro world.. first it was CB, now the krazies are coming for TVC lol
  13. Such a stark divide between the normal and sane republicans like TVC... and then the new trumplican crazies who believe everything they see on Facebook
  14. A voice of reason! Will ya look at that
  15. The deep state recruited both of us
  16. The BDS is for reals!
  17. The dude above you said I need to man up and admit I got busted, lol.. Smart crowd we got here
  18. Look I know this is supposed to be a gotcha statement... but it doesn’t even make sense. Based off your statement, I’d be waving the trump flag too. And I ain’t about to join a cult brother! No one likes Biden, he won because he isn’t trump. Literally as simple as that. Idk why that’s so hard to understand
  19. Dude I don’t support Biden, idk why you guys think being anti Trump is pro-biden lol That’s peanut brain logic
  20. I hear you about ignoring or hating laws that are not applicable or are just stupid.. but this is a private business we’re talking about here right?
  21. Do you guys realize how stupid you look complaining about media manipulation, while posting a fox new link?
  22. Well, Looks like the middle aged (and old aged) white guys of SETX have determined that this is no big deal. Glad I checked before making my own conclusion
  23. Damn man.. rip stevenash
  24. Sounds like someone’s wants to TAKE AWAY THE RIGHT of a business to serve who they want to.. and this guy is supposedly a Republican. Both hilarious, and sad
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