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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Bias media, but then post a Fox News link? Man what?!?
  2. The BDS, and now KDS, is real!
  3. It’s dog whistle after dog whistle.. to those who actually paid attention. like trump retweeting the video of his worshippers literally yelling “WHITE POWER” at BLM protestors.. but hey.. “he tells it like it is!”
  4. I heard he looks like one of those wackos down at the failed coup attempt , was just curious if anyone can share a picture of him
  5. Post the pic of the shooter
  6. ... dude, you STILL worship Trump, even after that failed coup attempt. You are literally a traitor. Had you been born a century earlier, there is no doubt you’d be flying that confederate flag high and proud (perhaps you still do)
  7. Wtf did you just say to me? I walked uphill.. BOTH WAYS.. to fight the traitor confederate soldiers and preserve the union!
  8. @WOSdrummer99 @CardinalBacker @Realville @LumRaiderFan @westend1 @Englebert
  9. I see this stupid BS all the time on my feed lol. And it’s always the absolute dumbest MF’ers I knew from grade school who share it 24/7.. I’m talking people in the bottom 10% academically, the your/you’re there/their type crowd.. makes complete sense how they fall for it. They’re literally too stupid to know any better, and it’s not really their fault..
  10. Please leave then. I’ll even chip in for YOUR relocation costs 😘
  11. Dude you just posted 5 times in a row... is something mentally wrong with you??
  12. A boycott is an act of nonviolent, voluntary and intentional abstention from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for moral, social, political, or environmental reasons.
  13. Listen Jack - the fact is.. Trump got BTFO by Sleepy Joe, even with the incumbent advantage! Will you wackos just give it up already?!
  14. Smashmouth - no more making sense before they start calling YOU a dumb lib round this part of town!
  15. So umm.. do you not have a job? Or are you retired and leeching off the government social programs? Curious as to how you post all these kook website links, all day.. every day.. every decade..
  16. And you sound like an absolute moron
  17. Semantics
  18. Prison camp? Come on man you are seriously delusional.. stop trying to somehow be the victim here
  19. Ahhh yes... boycotting professional sports because precious feelings were hurt. Then celebrating lower ratings (less profit, less jobs) The original snowflake cancel culture way of life.
  20. stupid answer, because it’s not the one you want to hear? maybe... you are the stupid one?
  21. Like I said a couple months back, about that time for trumplicans to start caring about the spending and handouts again.. super convenient. Can’t have money going to citizens, it needs to go to new tanks and corporate bailouts 😴
  22. I don’t believe they are smart enough to see the hypocrisy, honestly
  23. anyone other than Beto, or Abbott/Paxton/Patrick type Republicans, will get my vote. very high standard we’ve set for ourselves in the great state of texas.. I know
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