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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Man I was just trolling I didn’t know you actually lost money this year. When markets dip, I generally just buy more.. has worked out well, historically anyways.
  2. Well if your 401k is in the red then clearly your method ain’t working! But to each his own..
  3. I’ve been buying the dip all last week and this week. Not my fault you can’t keep up old man
  4. All aboard team (R) if my boy Matthew decides to run. From recent Q&A - “And right now, where politics has gone, where the great divide not only in Texas but in the United States, the left thinks the right’s racist and the right thinks the left’s Socialist. Well, that ain’t true. Then you go, well, the left is for empathy, compassion and solidarity; well the right’s for resilience and work ethic and responsibility. I’m like, I like all six of those. Those are values that our mamas taught us. The right and the left don’t have ownership of those, excluding the other side. ”
  5. ... what? My 401k is making money dude. And for some reason y’all seem kinda angry about it
  6. But y’all seemed fine with big spending when trump was president?
  7. You trump worshippers seem triggered, that’s what I see happening
  8. ...... heard the exact same BS literally over a decade ago lol
  9. How can this keep happening?!? I thought the world was supposed to literally end when black Muslim man from Kenya, aka short form birth certificate, became president.. and then for sure when Joebama became president.. but markets and corporate profits keep going up!!
  10. Oh, so naive.. I thought you’d catch on by now but apparently not. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, etc etc
  11. So at what age did you decide you no longer liked dudes?
  12. Pro-life - but y’all want to take away healthcare and food stamps from kids with less fortunate parents sounds more like pro-birth to me , because after the baby is born.. y’all just don’t give a damn
  13. What in the hell.. I thought you guys hated main stream media?!
  14. Absolutely hilarious.. How many of you SUCKERS, are going to fall for this BS.. again?! i think CB is sitting this one out but what about everyone else? [Hidden Content]
  15. The deep state infiltrated setxsports.com
  16. All I know is me and my kids probably won’t see a dime from SS. But hey.. what do I know. I just pay tens of thousands in taxes a year
  17. How about we get rid of social security while we’re at it? Why do we need the government to take care of baby boomers in their retirement? Oh wait - baby boomers and republicans love socialism when it benefits them. “Social” security, that’s a good one..
  18. Tell Stevey I said he needs to get back ASAP so he can buy this market dip 😘
  19. Exhibit A - one party wants to make it as hard as possible to vote, while the other wants to make it as easy as possible.. interesting. Which POLITICAL TEAM do I choose?! Reagan - please let me know what gatewaypundit thinks about this
  20. ... busted, for what? Going to school with a bunch of morons who now worship trump and hitler? You guys are already halfway there 😂😂
  21. .. why is that so hard to believe? Especially for you.. being from or living in Lumberton (assuming). Plenty of dumb and racist rednecks from the rural tiny towns.. probably a majority, if I’m being completely honest here
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