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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Your wife left you and your kids don’t want to be around you. Geez I wonder why
  2. Come on dude.. y’all have got to be on trumps payroll at this point lol smh
  3. Vote trump in 2024 and he’ll lock her up. He means it this time! #drainandrefilltheswamp
  4. Is TSA under homeland security? Need to get rid of them too while we’re at it
  5. RIP Truth Social, another bigly scam in the long list of scams Hopefully none of you suckers actually put your money where your mouth is and invested in that nonsense. Fool you once, shame on them.. fool ya twice.. well you probably deserve it lol
  6. For real though.. how many times are you MAGA suckers going to fall for these constant scams??
  7. Recently saw how truth social just lost two more senior execs, on top of all their other issues lol What a dumpster fire, and the MAGAs still haven’t caught on yet (it’s a big ole scam, all of it)
  8. You are by far one of the dumbest posters here and it’s not even close lol.. simping for a literal NYC born and raised liberal, turned Hollywood celebrity, 24/7 all day everyday, for FREE
  9. Not holding my breath (there’s a pun in here somewhere). Big pharma and prison labor complex have too much to lose. Pockets run deep $$
  10. My thoughts.. which are probably relevant to 95% of topics on this board 1) everyone already knows fox, cnn, msnbc, etc is trash. Sorry MAGAs, fox (and you) can’t complain about MSM when fox is literally the most watched news channel on TV 2) everyone already knows Joe Biden sucks 3) everyone already knows politicians are corrupt. What.. you think they do it because the care about the average American? More laughs 4) no one cares about hunter Biden. Oh he smoked crack on video? Cool.. wasn’t voting for him anyway 5) what’s the alternative.. Kamala as president? Lol It’s one scam after another with the politicians and MSM. Keep the poor people (you) mad at each other over some BS while they (the establishment) continue gigantic wealth transfers to the top 1% and 0.1%. and before the “but mean tweets” comments pile in.. the dude who attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding (Trump) isn’t an outsider. Think about it.
  11. You received trump bucks and Biden bucks, I didn’t. Nice try though lol
  12. Out of all the various threads , comment sections etc I’ve seen on this topic.. You are literally the first person to mention race come on gramps try and keep up
  13. You really think that’s worth bragging about huh? Lol, bunch of hillbilly suckers drinking the koolaid
  14. Keep dreaming Smitty
  15. That time of the year where we care about what the polls say huh.. it’s ok guys just 2 more weeks. And I mean it this time
  16. Very telling that this is one of your takeaways on the whole situation. Almost as if you’re wanting that to happen.. need someone/something to be mad at, again
  17. You need a job dude.. and a girlfriend.
  18. Read the audience. The people you’re arguing with don’t work and sit at home all day reading and participating in their own various echo chambers. These people literally post here all day every single day.. literally every single day. You will never, ever change their mind. There’s a reason why they keep falling for this BS. I’ll leave it at that, so I don’t hurt precious feelings and get banned
  19. We’re arguing about a pitiful two time check to the poors while corporations and sham LLCs legally pocketed hundreds of millions via PPP and whatever nonsense bailouts they got I knew those loans would inevitably be forgiven, saw it coming from a mile away. my only regret is that I didn’t participate myself. Won’t make that mistake again
  20. I wish any single person would address how ridiculous property taxes are in this state. Writing a 5 figure check every single year, for something I “own”, is insane And I’m fortunate enough to still be working. Retired homeowners with fixed or low incomes are really getting the shaft. I’d trade a lower prop tax for a lower state income tax in a heartbeat. Ideally have neither, but just thinking.. it’d be breakeven now, but when I retire I’d come out ahead
  21. Wow, this post is massive progress. Not even trolling or being facetious 🤙🏼🤙🏼
  22. I always shake my heads at these topics. The loons will only see the issue once it’s their own daughter getting beat by a Caitlyn Jenner The sport needs to be separated by boys/girls, or have just be all inclusive, in which the natural born boys will probably dominate (assuming physical sports)
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