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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Oh man this topic felt like it was created ages ago.. 😂😂
  2. That’s interesting. Meanwhile, the poors continue fighting each other, with neighbor #1 mad as hell at neighbor #2 because neighbor #2 got a bag of Funyuns with his food stamp card [Hidden Content]
  3. Phew I feel safer now
  4. But why take on the case in the first place then? Assuming your thesis is correct
  5. I wonder why Trump’s well paid lawyers are refusing to parrot the “election was stolen” propaganda.. 🙃
  6. People get harsher sentences for having a plant in this country. Sad.
  7. Probably because it becomes a religion debate at that point? Religion has no place at work or school. Just like sex life or preferences, they can keep it to themselves
  8. If I prove you wrong, you donate $100 to a charity of my choice, deal? ill post the screenshot for everyone to see
  9. Thanks Steve! Let’s hope February is just as prosperous for me
  10. What you mean, the stock market? January was a very strong month for me, I’m not complaining
  11. Do you have regular monthly contributions to your 401k and not retiring anytime soon? I’d just leave it alone and don’t even worry about it. When the market dropped off a cliff last March, rather than sell my investments, I put more money in the market. It’s paid off since then. Had the market kept tanking I would’ve been screwed, but that’s the risk I felt comfortable taking knowing that historically.. markets keep going up over time whether it’s republicans or Democrats in power
  12. This really depends on how much he invested total, relative to rest of his account or income. If only a few hundred or thousand, and he understands that he can be left “holding the bag” then let him make that call. Now if he put his entire savings into the stock, he might need an intervention. i made a nice profit off a similar trade last week as well. I exited half the position on the first big jump, another 25% later that day and the rest as it kept going up. I am completely out now, as I believe there’s more downside than upside at this point. I’m not in the GME trade but I’d personally love to see the short sellers get destroyed. Can PM me if you want
  13. ... so rather than stop the moronic behavior, you simply continue it. Good job DOOFUS
  14. > republicans always complaining about “everything being about race” >> republicans highlighting that the employee is Black Lol’d
  15. Groundbreaking content here so please control yourselves. Not sure if she can be considered a politician or not, but SCOTUS Amy Barrett is a total hottie for her age. Also Tulsi Gabbard for team D although the establishment hates her. I find AOC to be fairly attractive as well. Who are yalls current picks?
  16. What do you want people to do, make a billion posts on SETX POL crying about it? Republicans screwed themselves on this one.. maybe in 2024 they can go back to some normalcy
  17. You’re**
  18. .... so, not politics. Thanks DOOFUS
  19. Most people spend too much time focusing on budgeting, while not focusing on increasing their income. Obsessing over saving $20/month here and there is absolutely useless and not a good use of time or sanity. So they end up saving pennies a month when it could be thousands a month if they worked harder for a promotion, got a certification, etc.. depending on tax bracket, dump it all in a pre-or-post tax account and invest away. Older people are generally more conservative because closer to retirement and can’t afford to lose Money, while younger people are able to take more risk. I am personally betting on continued big government spending for the foreseeable future, which has historically boosted markets. thats my opinion
  20. So.. what exactly is your point 😴
  21. Alright so what’s this have to do with politics DOOFUS?
  22. Just pull up yer bootstraps, snowflake
  23. Thanks chief, helping out where I can
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