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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Yikes - my 2 thoughts 1) NO S SHERLOCK 2) Get a load of this guy.. complicit in the last 4 years of non stop corruption and divisiveness, but then tries to distance himself from Don the Conman the moment Trump can’t do anything for him.. amazing. And he gets re-elected over and over.
  2. Ok just making sure you’re at least consistent. So no crying about federal spending for the next 4 years, you understand me gramps?
  3. Party over country, but they’re the *real* patriots and everyone else is evil
  4. Being completely serious - are you like 85 years old? Have you ever, just once, stopped and considered maybe you are being brainwashed too ?? You are no different than the far left you’re always crying about. Keep the poors fighting each other while these politicians siphon off the taxpayer dollars
  5. Start caring about the debt and deficit again, after taking a 4 year hiatus as Trump ran his own TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS.. B-b-but... MAGA!
  6. Stop making excuses my income doubled under Obama. You can either sit and cry about your precious feelings or you can get off your lazy A and pull up your bootstraps, snowflake
  7. Let me call the wambulance for you
  8. Stop being such a SNOWFLAKE CRYBABY JFC 😂😂
  9. You still get tricked by this stuff huh..
  10. Wait - are you implying mods/admins can run their site however they want? Interesting.. thank you!
  11. So you are victimized by gay people advancing their political agenda.. of wanting the right to get married?? You might be a closet homosexual, or homophobe, if you’re that sensitive and easily triggered by gay people wanting to get married. Seriously. Everyone come take a look, I think snake oil Steve just outed himself 😂😂 @new tobie @CardinalBacker @Big girl @PAMFAM10 @UT alum
  12. Oh look, another whataboutism reply from snake oil steve. Are you guys on the RNC payroll, or you just out here shilling for free? Bunch of SUCKERS 😂😂
  13. Victim / snowflake complex 101 ez
  14. “This has become a cult. It’s no longer a political party. It’s a cult. It’s the kind of a cult that when the leader of the cult does anything, no matter what it is, or how awful it is, they voted,” Edwards said. “They voted to question the election results even after people came into the Capitol, tried to kill them and killed a police officer who was trying to protect them. And they did that.” [Hidden Content] Curious to hear what the normal conservatives like @tvc184 have to say about this whole situation
  15. Bro you and the other wackjobs are on here talking about how much you’re victimized by gay people being gay Who caresssssssssss what they do???
  16. Trumps healthcare plan is coming out anyyyyy day now. Just be patient... 5D chess mega genius plan in the making stay tuned and donate your money to maga.com in the meantime inMAGAwetrust
  17. Maybe you should stop actively looking for gay people stuff and stop trying to be a victim Turn off the tv and smartphone. No one cares what gay people do except you far right radical wack jobs
  18. ... and who is doing that? Most normal people do not care at all what gay people do.. in fact, most normal people don’t care at all about what others are doing. idk why conservatives, the party of small government (lol ya right), are always getting their snowflake panties in a bunch over it
  19. So how come you aren’t? You said you’re brave and you fight back.. how?? On the internet? Trump needs you down in DC on Jan 20th brother, don’t let him down!
  20. Trump worshippers - whatever happened to Hillary getting locked up? Was it all a bunch of BS to get your votes and take your political donations?? Me thinks so..
  21. She is, thank you!
  22. Oooo there’s Dinglebert, I missed this dudes 20 paragraph rants about absolutely nothing
  23. So much for being brave and “fighting back”. Trump is extremely disappointed with you right now
  24. You wanna be brave and go to DC to riot or not? I’m serious, I’ll pitch in for your flight
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