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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. LYIN TED is the absolute worst.. idk how people can trust the man after Trump called his wife UGLY and speculated about his dad being involved in the JFK assassination.. then Cruz goes on to be a Trump lap dog for the next 4 years trying to “win grace” from the lord and savior DJT. Dude is a traitor to his family and the country.
  2. He.. GONE Get over it snowflake. Trump got BTFO by a dude with DEMENTIA! 😂💀
  3. Comical to see one of the few “normal” republicans getting ganged up on by the usual far right radical loonies Whose mans are these 😂💀 @PAMFAM10 @Big girl @UT alum
  4. I don’t support telling private businesses how to run their companies.. but at the same time, this does make me concerned.
  5. Interesting - I had wrongly assumed you were a free market capitalist. Apologies 😘
  6. So... big government intervention right? Just want to clarify. Thanks!
  7. I think it’s about time the “pro-life” term gets rephrased to “pro-birth” - because we all knows that’s what most republicans are really thinking. Not only do they not adopt or help out people in need, they actively campaign to make life as difficult as possible for the less fortunate by cutting the various social programs including food stamps, health insurance, etc..
  8. You mean.. the SOCIALIST BAILOUT that big corporate farmers got while the little guy went bankrupt as the result of a failed trade war? Oh wait socialism and big spending is cool and accepted under (R), I forgot. U.S. trade aid mainly benefited large farms in its latest round, undermining a key pledge by the Trump administration and leaving family producers at risk of collapse as the economy entered a recession. Roughly two-thirds of payments went to the top 10% of recipients at the beginning of the year, according to an analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture records obtained by CNBC through the Freedom of Information Act. The top half of recipients collected 95% of total payments in the $28 billion Market Facilitation Program.
  9. What do you bring? Besides non stop crying like a snowflake..
  10. You and your family were at the DC riots, not me 😘
  11. Trump is by far the bigliest sore loser in the history of U.S. presidents 4 years of blaming everything on everyone else - always the victim! Not only is Trump the ultimate snowflake, he also got outsmarted and beat down by SLEEPY JOE. 😂😂😂
  12. I wish you the best over the next 4 years brother!
  13. Please re-read rule #1 of SETX POL forum - no critical thinking is allowed. Worship Trump and Republicans, otherwise they’ll call you bad names like “dims”
  14. It’s ok brother - just 4 more years of daily snowflake tears then your team can try again in 2024 😘
  15. Brother I am simply stating I pay way too much in property taxes to be living with mommy. I don’t know why you’re getting all butthurt lol
  16. Yikes when did you get so sensitive? you must have BDS - Biden derangement syndrome
  17. Lol, maybe I could save on my 5 figure property tax bill then
  18. I’m over 30, and definitely not a boomer lol
  19. Boomers believe everything they read on the internet.. especially the low IQ ones. Easy targets for scamming, manipulating and brainwashing. But.. but.. mUh AnTiFa
  20. Phew glad I scrolled before deciding whether or not to read that entire thing
  21. Let’s not forget.. Trump inherited his money, he didn’t make his money. His dad saved him on numerous real estate deals. He is a trust fund baby who managed to BANKRUPT A CASINO.
  22. Yikes. Always seem to the far right on this subforum always calling women names.. whores, fatties, etc. Must be an underlying problem.. im guessing zero love and affection at home.
  23. You just have to wait and be patient, the big bombshell is going to drop any day now! Trump is a very stable genius and this is all part of his master plan 😂💀😂💀
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