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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Dear trumpers, please stand and place your hand over your hearts and repeat with me - TWO MORE WEEKS TWO MORE WEEKS TWO MORE WEEKS In Trump You Trust, Amen
  2. lol trumpers.. these guys need help
  3. tWo MoRe WeEkS … and yet, they STILL haven’t caught on yet 🤡 🤡 makes me laugh every time I click on this cult topic
  4. You called me a typical liberal crybaby for being concerned about big government spending. That doesn’t even make sense dude.. do you even think about what you type? You must have the brain of a 10 year old. Goodbye.
  5. Lol.. TIL liberal crybabies care about big government spending. Can’t make this up 🤦 🤦
  6. Yeah dawg I’ll pass on the trillion dollar deficits, across the board higher cost of living, and the various bailout/stimulus packages that I didn’t receive a dime from
  7. Imagine being the generation that has been in political power for like.. literally 3-4 decades, and then passing the blame onto the next generation. Phew can’t make this stuff up
  8. Based off the bazillion topics here crying about Biden, one can make a case that baby boomers are also destroying the greatest country in the world.
  9. Seems most people here have no issue with the min age requirement, including myself, but are passionate defenders of not adding a max age requirement. Interesting observation 🧐🤔
  10. Yeah, I mentioned age discrimination I never mentioned skin color. You ask why not.. I ask.. why? Curious to hear your thoughts
  11. Just stop with the fake patriotism BS.. you are literally a traitor and you STILL support a traitor. Unreal
  12. Yup.. imagine getting outsmarted by a dude with dementia. But it’s not trumps fault. It was the swamps fault. The swamp that was supposed to get drained. Yawn
  13. If that was your takeaway, then so be it brother
  14. These kooks have gotta be on some RNC or right wing payroll.. because if they’re doing all this internet patriot defending for free, then.. they clearly don’t value their personal time lol. Or just leeching off social security and bored out of their mind. Most likely both.
  15. I don’t think this is the flex you think it is, tbh. Military industrial complex brainwashing young men into fighting wars for the political elite? To each their own I suppose
  16. Alright boomers, what do you think? We have a min age but no max. I think the min age is a fair requirement, and think a max age should absolutely be put in place. Boomers have had political control for multiple decades at this point, and all they’ve done is print money we don’t have and increase the cost of school, housing, & healthcare, while simultaneously blaming every generation (including people who can’t even vote yet) but themselves.
  17. Now I’m not saying all cops are bad.. but There’s a reason you never heard anyone make a song called “F* the fire department” Imagine how often this BS happens, and how often the cops get away with it.
  18. Do you even know what statistically significant even means, you moron?
  19. So you’re really telling me that sleepy and creepy joe outsmarted the GOP? Even in the red states with red politicians? Phew no wonder you guys keep falling for this BS. You are not a bright individual!
  20. Starting to sound like projection at this point.. like your old friends ex-gf who accused him 24/7 of cheating, but she was cheating the whole time. Funny how that works
  21. Lol these people have literal mental issues and I’m not trying to troll or be funny. They must have no job and sit around all day reading whatever right wing echo chamber (including this forum) confirms their existing beliefs This 11 page topic reminds me of the HRC comment on trump voters being “deplorables”. I initially thought that was a tasteless comment, but the longer I hang out here, the more I agree with it.. despite me being a HRC hater. At this point (almost 2022), if they still believe the election was stolen and voter fraud happens on a statistically significant level, then they’re simply.. stupid as hell. just have to wait “2 more weeks” for the proof.. anyyyyy week now.. yeah… 🥱 🥱
  22. Yup, 1 mistake away from being just another local cover up that you’d never hear about otherwise Interesting 🤔
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